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Luke 11:29-32

While still more
people gathered in the crowd, Jesus said to them,“This generation is
an evil generation; it seeks a sign,
but no sign will be given it, except the sign of
Jonah. Just as Jonah
became a sign to the Ninevites, so will the Son of
Man be to this generation...."
Generation gaps As I grow older, I notice more "generation gaps." The battle between generations rage on! Seems like one generation frowns upon another. Why is this? The younger think the older generation as intolerant. The older think the younger generation as incompetent. It's a tug of war battle. The young don't feel the need to learn from the old. (Flip side, the old get frustrated with the young because of the "I know it all" attitude!) The young generation think they are entitled to instant happiness, wealth, and prosperity. Life is not one big college party. Life doesn't bring everything to you on a silver platter! Life should NOT to be centered around self-indulgence but involve self-sacrifice. (Think of Jonah in the belly of the whale. Not too comfortable!) It's interesting how history seems to repeat the same mistakes over and over. I think its because the generations don't "speak" the same common sense language. They don't learn lessons!
I greatly respect my grandparent's generation (Depression era). They understood what it meant to work hard and give to others. They believed in self-sacrifice. Divorce was rare. Abortion not even considered as a viable option. People lived in a cash-based society expected to live within their means. Religion was a very important part of family life. Nobody would ever expect 50+ years later we'd be obsessed by consumerism, materialism, sensationalism, and individualism. Nobody fathomed Christianity would be under attack. As America has become a wealthier nation, it's also become a nation of extravagance and over-consumption. In a sense, Resident Evil has sent invitations to all generations, encouraging sin. The idea of turning away from God is more mainstream. It's considered a normal behavior.
Generation gaps As I grow older, I notice more "generation gaps." The battle between generations rage on! Seems like one generation frowns upon another. Why is this? The younger think the older generation as intolerant. The older think the younger generation as incompetent. It's a tug of war battle. The young don't feel the need to learn from the old. (Flip side, the old get frustrated with the young because of the "I know it all" attitude!) The young generation think they are entitled to instant happiness, wealth, and prosperity. Life is not one big college party. Life doesn't bring everything to you on a silver platter! Life should NOT to be centered around self-indulgence but involve self-sacrifice. (Think of Jonah in the belly of the whale. Not too comfortable!) It's interesting how history seems to repeat the same mistakes over and over. I think its because the generations don't "speak" the same common sense language. They don't learn lessons!
I greatly respect my grandparent's generation (Depression era). They understood what it meant to work hard and give to others. They believed in self-sacrifice. Divorce was rare. Abortion not even considered as a viable option. People lived in a cash-based society expected to live within their means. Religion was a very important part of family life. Nobody would ever expect 50+ years later we'd be obsessed by consumerism, materialism, sensationalism, and individualism. Nobody fathomed Christianity would be under attack. As America has become a wealthier nation, it's also become a nation of extravagance and over-consumption. In a sense, Resident Evil has sent invitations to all generations, encouraging sin. The idea of turning away from God is more mainstream. It's considered a normal behavior.
One good thing about the generation gap is the growth of pro-lifers among our Millenials! Compared to the pro-choice feminism that became so popular during my mom's hippy generation, our youngsters respect life. They want to save babies. They want to promote adoptions. They want to promote dignity and love for women. What a change from 41 years ago!
As Christians, regardless of what generation we grew up in, we are called by Our Lord to follow his way and his Truth. No sign will be given to us when the end draws near. We are called to live holy lives. Moreover, we are called to repentance. Push away evil and focus on the good!
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