Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Ashes & Secrets

Ash Wednesday 2014

(Click Here for Readings)

Gospel of Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18

Jesus said to his disciples:
   “Take care not to perform righteous deeds
   in order that people may see them; otherwise, you will have no recompense from your heavenly Father...."

What are you giving up for Lent?  Around this time of the year, friends who know I'm Catholic begin to ask the familiar question, "What are you giving up for Lent ?"  I used to say things like: "Oh I'm giving up caffeine" or "I'm giving up wine" or "I'm swearing off swearing - no more cuss words coming out of my mouth!"  In hindsight, all of these "Lenten resolutions" seem somewhat trivial and superficial. This is why I don't really give up anything for Lent anymore. Yes, it may sound strange and unorthodox.  However, I think it's more important to give of my time in prayer, fasting and almsgiving.  During this season, I make an extra effort to live simply.  I want to better observe my environment and the people in it.  In quiet stillness, I can better examine my conscience and discover things I've been doing that are not very Christian-like.  Lent encourages repentance.  Lent encourages us to better understand ourselves and our relationship with God.  Lent encourages us to turn away from sin.  

Pray, Fast, Give When we practice the three main pillars of the Lenten Season - pray, fasting and almsgiving - we shouldn't look gloomy or depressed. In fact, these acts should be performed joyfully.  

In prayer, we speak intimately with Our Lord sharing with him our deepest darkest secrets.  He listens to our prayers even if we think he ignores us.  He may not answer us immediately but if we faithfully pray good things will result.  Whenever I take the time to pray, my whole soul feels at ease.  Stress and anxiety lesson.  I feel the Holy Spirit's silence taking those inner dark secrets and transforming them.  My secret sins, my secret habits, and my secret weaknesses buried deep inside the recesses of my heart get warmed by the light of the Spirit.  During the Ash Wednesday mass, when the priest places the ashes on my forehead I feel those secrets vaporized.  I feel cleansed!  I immediately recognize that I should praise God for his healing touch.  His love for me is so great.  Those simple ashes allow me to enter into a period of intense renewal and reawakening.  I'm encouraged to fast.  I'm encouraged to give of my time, talents and treasures to others in need.  I'm encouraged to be a better Christian.  Make changes in my life that will carry on even after Lent is over!

Go to Mass today and receive your ashes!  Don't be afraid of the healing touch of Christ.  Allow your secret sins to turn into ash, buried away for good!


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