Friday, March 28, 2014

Heart + Soul + Mind + Strength

Friday of the Third Week of Lent

(Click Here for Readings)

Gospel of Mark 12:28-34

One of the scribes came to Jesus and asked him,
“Which is the first of all the commandments?”
Jesus replied, “The first is this: Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is Lord alone! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

24 Hours of Forgiveness On March 28th through the 29th, Pope Francis has designated a special "24 Hours of a Forgiveness."  All faithful have been asked to reflect on their lives. Examine our consciences.  Pray for mercy and forgiveness.  

Do you have mortal sin within your heart?  
Make an appointment with God in confession.  

Have you hurt someone's feelings through harsh words?  
Make an effort to apologize and make amends.

Have you been jealous of someone lately?  
Turn that jealousy into love.  

Have you turned away from God for one reason or another?  
Pray and meditate seeking Christ's consolation.  

The Great Commandment   In today's beautiful gospel reading, a lawyer asks Jesus a poignant question:  "Which is the first of all the commandments?"  Being a lawyer, was he trying to interrogate Jesus?  I often wonder if a lawyer during antiquity was classified into the group of tax collectors or Pharisees.  Did they uphold the law or did they cheat others who broke the law?  Maybe both? Hmmmmm....One thing different about this young lawyer is that he understands Jesus.  He stops the questioning. Even Our Lord says the young man isn't too far away from the Kingdom of God.  It appears a new conversion has taken place.  This lawyer and those around him will understand the importance of love:  love for others as well as love for God.

How can we better love God and follow his Great Commandment?  

With our heart   Pray for the conversion of hearts to God. So many people live in the world without knowledge of God.  They either choose not to believe or have been discouraged by tragedy.  When we pray for others' conversions, our own hearts change for the better.  In many ways, our hearts connect to one another since we've been created in the image and likeness of God. 

With our soul   Pray for individuals who have died and in a state of purgatory.  Their souls may not be completely at rest.  They are in the midst of a cleansing process.  Sometimes people haven't died physically, but they are emotionally dead.  Their souls have become so harden by poor choices and circumstances that God has a tough time reaching out to them.  That's where he needs our help in ministering to those in need, rather living or already passed over the rainbow bridge.

With our mind  Read and meditate on daily scripture.  Study more about the lives of the Saints and our Church fathers.  Take enrichment classes related to the bible , church history, theology, or even apologetics.  Make an effort to engage the mind in God's message of love, mercy, and forgiveness.  Nothing better says "I love you, Jesus!" than learning more about him and his Church.

With all our strength  Take the time to volunteer in a church ministry or missionary effort.  Courageously fight for the sanctity of life and for social justice.  With confidence, defend the Church's teachings.  Don't be afraid to take what you've learned and apply it to everyday life.  Evangelize God's message wherever you go.  Don't keep it locked up within parish walls.  Love Jesus by spreading his message with vigor.

Heart + Soul + Mind + Strength = Love!


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