Saturday, March 15, 2014

Life's Not Fair!

Friday of the First Week of Lent

(Click Here for Readings)

Ezekiel 18:21-28

You say, “The LORD’s way is not fair!”Hear now, house of Israel: Is it my way that is unfair, or rather, are not your ways unfair? When someone virtuous turns away from virtue to commit iniquity, and dies,
it is because of the iniquity he committed that he must die.

Alternating Fridays during Lent, I've been asked to read at my parish's evening mass.  Usually daily mass takes place in the small chapel; however, due to the large crowds our pastor likes to use the main church.  Last night was my first time to read with the main church set-up.  For some reason, nerves hit straight into my throat.  I started the first reading:  "A reading from the Book of the Prophet"  I could not get the word Ezekiel to come out.  I sounded like a stuttering mess!  Finally I got through it and the rest of the reading went smoothly.  I've never misprounced a book of the bible like this. I felt the heat rise to my face turning my cheeks bright red.  Fortunately, I received positive comments after my read, so it wasn't a total disaster.  

After the verbal butchering of the name "Ezekiel" I reflected more on his beautifully written passage.  It's still so relevant to our world today:

Life is not fair! I expect a certain result and it doesn't happen.  Joe Success and Josephine Best get everything they want!  They aren't religious types so they choose not to follow all of Christ's rules or even the Church's!  Yet, they accumulate wealth and riches.  They are high society.  They influence law makers to engage in their own political agendas.  No fair! Why is it the good, devout person can't seem to make-a-break but the evil and manipulative do?  Why is it that those of us who commit ourselves to virtuous living battle fires when others who could care less get everything handed to them on a silver platter?  So unfair!

Don't we all agree that life is just plain unfair?! It's always is and always will be.  God gives each of us special talents and abilities.  Some use those abilities to foster good and others evil.  There will always be an imbalance....

The only way to balance our lives is to immerse ourselves in the outpouring of Christ's love. Make a commitment to virtue and holiness no matter if it doesn't  lead to riches, popularity, understanding or respect.  At the end of life, God will hand-select those he desires in heaven.  Such an invitation won't necessarily be made available to those who prospered in material success, especially if obtained through evil and immoral ways.  

Spiritual success is what we should strive for.  It's easy for us to become jealous and resentful of those who appear to have everything they need and want materially.  But are they spiritually successful?  Do these people recognize God's blessings in their lives?  Some of the most spiritually successful people I know don't come packaged up with a fancy car, a high paying job, or political clout.  They are humble, loving, caring, and compassionate people who follow God' truth.  They want to be one of the first to receive that invitation to heaven.  These people understand life's not fair but don't complain about.  They continue to travel on that narrow path to holiness often"behind the scenes" away from the limelight.

During Lent, let us follow Christ in virtuous living.  Let us strive for holiness and push away iniquity.  Let us cleanse us of our resentment and judgment.  Yes, life's not fair but we must not dwell on what we don't have and be happy with what God blesses us with on a daily basis.


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