(Click Here for Readings)

Thus says the LORD:This is what I
commanded my people: Listen to my voice;then I will be your
God and you shall be my people. Walk in all the
ways that I command you, so that you may
Importing/Exporting Sadly, I've missed a couple of days of daily mediation. With Spring has arrived an increase in work load. Yesterday I participated in a seminar on the basics of supply chain logistics - importing/exporting. So many rules and regulations accompany international transport! I felt a little overwhelmed by all the terminology but thought the topics were interesting, especially ocean transport.
When I read today's first reading, I couldn't help but think of importing/exporting in terms of our relationship with God. Jesus imports his teachings to us at Mass through holy scripture and our reception of the Eucharist. However, when we leave the confines of the sanctuary we may export a lot of negativity, disrespect and ugly behaviors that don't line-up with the call to be good Christian stewards. It's as if we forget what we learned in Church on Sunday! We neglect the importance of listening and reflecting on God's voice. Walk with our Lord hand-in-hand daily. Evangelize the faith to others in ways that are always pleasing to the Lord. Be good Christian witnesses!
International trading of the spiritual life means distributing a heaven-inspired product with care and safety. We don't want the product, composed of God's love and mercy, stuck in customs faced with hefty fines or tariffs. We don't want God's Word to become quarantined and not allowed to reach others along the supply chain of life! Importing and exporting God's message is a challenge but can be done. It involves listening, reflecting, and consistently "shipping" the message to others without relativism, compromise, or distortion.
The Labyrinth My parish is blessed with a beautiful labyrinth resting inside our columbarium. Walking along the maze really brings a person closer to God. There's a sense of peace and tranquility. God is clearly present! I can feel him in the wind, in the singing of the birds, and in the blooming of the trees. I can feel him in my heart as I walk one step at a time praying and meditating. What have I learned visiting this sacred space is that God blesses me each and every day with the little things. It may be a smile from a stranger. It may be a lucky penny I find on the ground. It may be in the form of a "thank-you" from my boss for a job well done. I find whenever I give myself to God I reap the benefits in return! When I receive his imported love, and genuinely export that love back to others, I feel good about myself....And I know the Lord is happy with me!
Let us listen to the voice of the Lord and walk in his ways along that narrow path to holiness!
International trading of the spiritual life means distributing a heaven-inspired product with care and safety. We don't want the product, composed of God's love and mercy, stuck in customs faced with hefty fines or tariffs. We don't want God's Word to become quarantined and not allowed to reach others along the supply chain of life! Importing and exporting God's message is a challenge but can be done. It involves listening, reflecting, and consistently "shipping" the message to others without relativism, compromise, or distortion.
The Labyrinth My parish is blessed with a beautiful labyrinth resting inside our columbarium. Walking along the maze really brings a person closer to God. There's a sense of peace and tranquility. God is clearly present! I can feel him in the wind, in the singing of the birds, and in the blooming of the trees. I can feel him in my heart as I walk one step at a time praying and meditating. What have I learned visiting this sacred space is that God blesses me each and every day with the little things. It may be a smile from a stranger. It may be a lucky penny I find on the ground. It may be in the form of a "thank-you" from my boss for a job well done. I find whenever I give myself to God I reap the benefits in return! When I receive his imported love, and genuinely export that love back to others, I feel good about myself....And I know the Lord is happy with me!
Let us listen to the voice of the Lord and walk in his ways along that narrow path to holiness!
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