Monday, December 28, 2015

Life Taken By Surprise (An Original Poem)

Life taken by surprise
The night howl, the sun rise.
Don't know what to expect,
Peaceful tide or rough ride.

Things go smoothly for a while
A silk road, 
A glass surface,
Translucent and safe,
Clear of purpose.

Life's road no longer safe
Pitted and rugged, somehow misplaced.
What happened here? Why the madness?
So much thrill, now utter sadness.

Foggy glass, sandpaper road
Cannot see, blurred and alone.
Why this darkness? Why me?
What did I do to deserve Thee?

Grim Reaper's visit way too soon,
So much more to say and do,
Please not now, some other day,
Leave my loved one here to stay.

Cannot control life's destiny,
God's path is not foreseen,
Keep faith alive, 
Mourn the loss,
Love forever,
Never forget the Cross.


1 comment:

  1. I savor the creativity of this poem. Surely we can't control destiny but we can trust in the God of our destinies.
