Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Professions & Spiritual Gifts

Memorial of Saints Cornelius, Pope, and Cyprian, Bishop, Martyrs

1 Corinthians  12:12-14, 27-31A

Now you are Christ’s Body, and individually parts of it. Some people God has designated in the Church to be, first, Apostles; second, prophets; third, teachers; then, mighty deeds; then gifts of healing, assistance, administration, and varieties of tongues. Are all Apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers?
Do all work mighty deeds? Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues? Do all interpret? Strive eagerly for the greatest spiritual gifts.

I keep experiencing a reoccurring dream where I'm back in college at Texas A&M.  I'm  running toward something or running away from something.  People from my past and present make  appearances.  Just the other night I dreamed I was in the dorm cafeteria.  I tried to use "Aggie Bucks" from my 20 year old student ID.   I needed to go upstairs to get a new one.  Then I walked up several escalators in search of a specific room that I couldn't locate.  I kept asking people over and over where the room was at, including some Muslim women.  Then a man selling soda pop said, "Sorry, Aggie Bucks are no longer accepted on campus.  This is a cash only facility."  Yikes!

I finally figured out why I keep dreaming I'm back in college.  I subconsciously wish I was back in my youth with the whole world ahead of me.  If only I had a second chance to do things different!  Select a different major, such as engineering or computer science, where jobs are plentiful and pay excellent.  Attended graduate school like I originally planned.  Worshiped in the Catholic Church at the start of my freshman year...

I think we all regret our past choices.  When we are young and naive, it doesn't occur to us that we should prepare better for the future.  We think our looks and our charming personalities will always make a striking impression.  We erroneously think we are naturally gifted in everything.  There's this sense of entitlement:

I was a straight A student in college so I deserve my dream job!  Oh, and by the way, give me the freedom to work when I want and definitely don't criticize me.  My ego is just too fragile. I can't handle it......

I think it's important to discern the gifts that God has given to us and apply them to our chosen profession.   Sometimes the career we choose isn't practical or in line with what the Lord really wants us to do with our lives.  For example,  I know people who've tried to make a career in the acting field.  Yes, they are very talented in voice and presence.  However the competition is tough and very few people make it big.  So how else can they use their speaking and acting abilities?  Can they use it in a way to bring people to Christ?

How can we use our chosen professions in a way to evangelize the faith?  I think of doctors and nurses who volunteer their time in poor countries serving the needy.  I think of contractors and builders who donate materials in order to build a new home for someone who lost one in a natural disaster.  I think of attorneys who perform pro-bono work to help illegal immigrants with documentation.

As Saint Paul says to the Corinthians, " Now you are Christ's body and individual parts of it."   God created each one of us as an important part of the body of Christ.  Some are called to heal.  Some are called to build.  Some are called to teach.  Some are called to create.  Do we accept the challenge to work for the glory of God or do we decide live in a constant state of regret?

When our careers are going no where, let us turn to the Lord in prayer.  What is he saying to you?  Is he telling you to make some changes?  Is he bringing people into your life who can help?

When our chosen profession and our spiritual gifts are in line with God's will, there's a sense of peace and fulfillment.  Even if it's not our dream job we can still be proud of the work we do knowing we are one part of the whole body of Christ.


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