Gospel of Luke 17:20-25

Jesus said in reply, "The coming of the Kingdom of God cannot be observed, and no one will announce, 'Look, here it is' or 'There it is.".......Do not go off, do not run in pursuit. For just as lightning flashes and lights up the sky from one side to the other, so will the Son of Man be in his day. But first he must suffer greatly and be rejected by this generation.
Once again Jesus is warning the impending nature of his death. The Pharisees ask when the Kingdom of God will arrive. They wish to find out the "what, when, where, and how" answer to their question. They appear confused. But, honestly they want to trip up our Lord into saying something that will forever condemn him. His response is allusive as ever.
Just like the flash of lightning up in the sky, Jesus appeared on earth in human form to soon disappear. His "electrical charge"still illuminates the sky in a spectacular display of glowing light. With the ability to reach miles above the atmosphere, the lightning may awe true believers. On the other hand, the intense lightning flash may blind non-believers. It's dangerous to attempt storm chasing! We cannot tell when such a lightning storm will occur. Just like weather prediction isn't an exact science, so is the coming of the Kingdom of God.
Will I make it into the Kingdom of God? What is this place really like? Do I believe it exists or is this all just a figment of some bearded man's imagination? How can I get in?
An atheist may say, "Well, there is a logical reasonable explanation for the lightning flash. It's based on science and not some religious enigma. Please spare me this rubbish about a Kingdom of God. We have a Kingdom called Earth. We need to live it up and enjoy it to the fullest. Be as decadent as you want. Do whatever you want! There isn't going to be a final judgment..."
A Christian may say, "Wow, I look forward to the Kingdom of God. I truly believe there is a God in heaven! I strive to be a holy person, a caring person, and genuine. I wish to do good on this earth so I can experience eternal happiness in the Kingdom with family and friends! I don't want Christ's lightning strike to burn me to the ground!"
Do I reject Christ or accept him? Am I believer or a non-believer? Am I striving for the light to holiness or the electrical pulse to eternal death?
Christ left this world in a flash and will return in a flash. Are we ready?
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