Gospel of Luke 16:1-8

"For the children of this world are more prudent in dealing with their own generation than the children of the light."
Wikipedia defines prudence as "the ability and govern oneself for the sake of reason." Prudence is often associated with cautiousness. It's considered one of the cardinal virtues of the Catholic Church.
Most of time in society today we hear the word "prude" to describe someone who is sexually frigid. A person who doesn't sleep around on a whim. Also, this is seen as a negative trait in a person who spends their money frugally.
Prudence is something we should all strive for regardless of the negative connotation associated with it. In the case of the parable of the steward, the young man realizes his mistake and comes up with the "idea" to issue promissory notes to the merchant's creditors. Not only did he help the merchant retrieve back some of the money he reduced the amount of the debt of those owing it.
I don't know of many employees who'd act like the clever steward, especially after being fired! I imagine modern-day employee comments: "Oh, I can't stand that jerk! I was great for this company and he decided to give me the pink slip. I think I might just sue this company!" "What am I going to do? I have a wife and children with no savings. I must be a worthless human being that is unemployable!" "Uh, this is the 3rd job I've been fired from. Man am I a loser."
Why not turn around the thinking and reverse course. Recognize your own mistakes. Prudently decide that you will make changes to your life so that you will be a better person. Help others who may be struggling with the same situation you're in. Make recompense for the harm you have done to others whether it's cheating, laziness, or apathy.
Saint Catherine of Siena describes prudence as the remedy for apathy.
Wake up and rouse yourselves from the slumber of apathy! And once you've washed, be sure you put on the white of purity and the color of blazing charity, both of which you find in the blood of the Lamb.
Amen! Let's show a little prudence today!
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