Gospel of Luke 23:35-43
Now one of the criminals hanging there reviled Jesus saying, "Are you not the Christ? Save yourself and us." The other, however rebuking him said in reply, "Have you no fear of God, for you are subject to the same condemnation? And indeed, we have been condemned justly, for the sentence we received corresponds to our crimes, but this man has done nothing criminal."
Today we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King and the end of the liturgical calendar. Next Sunday we begin a new year with the First Sunday of Advent. Wow, it seems like only yesterday Pope Benedict dedicated 2012-2013 to the "Year of Faith." This year has flown by. Hopefully it has been a fruitful year for all Catholics around the world!
Did I participate in special events or pilgrimages to celebrate the "Year of Faith"? Did I learn anything new in my spiritual journey? Am I committed to spreading the faith to others as we enter the new liturgical year?
Save yourself! The rulers sneered and jeered at Jesus. One of the criminals reviled him. Everybody insisted that if Christ was truly "King of the Jesus" he could save himself as well as the others. Jesus wasn't going to give in to such demands....
When I think of "save yourself" I think of selfish and conceited people. They rather "save their own hide" by lying, cheating, and stealing than admit they are guilty of wrong doing. They only do what's best for them, what benefits them, and what makes them feel more "beautiful" inside even after what they've done is ugly and disgusting.
Am I guilty of thinking of myself first before others? Do I want to save myself from trouble & consequences even when I know what I've done is wrong?
This man has done nothing criminal. Of course, we all know Jesus was falsely accused. He never killed, cheated, or stole. The only thing he was"guilty" of was loving, healing, and saving the lowest of the lowly: sinner, tax collectors, prostitutes, and lepers.
We are quick to falsely accuse people of crimes based on stereotypes- race, color, nationality, or economic status. Our prison system is overflowing with criminals. How many of those incarcerated really committed a crime? Sophisticated DNA technology has exonerated more and more people behind bars over the last few years. It makes me wonder how many others did nothing criminal. They just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
You will be with me in Paradise. A confident Christian may think: I earned a one-way pass into the heavenly Paradise! I can sit alongside Christ our King happy and content listening to the angels sing with my loved ones present.
Wait, let's back track.....
Every day we commit the "crime of sin" even if it's only a little white lie. Sometimes we are so burden with sin that we can feel like harden criminals. If we want to receive an admission ticket into Paradise, we must recognize our sins and make an honest effort to cleanse ourselves. Going to the Sacrament of Reconciliation on a regular basis helps. Furthermore, we should make an honest effort to look outside of ourselves and help others in need, especially those who may have committed a "crime" but have nobody else to turn to.
Christ is truly our King, Lord and Savior. Thanks be to God!
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