Gospel of Luke 14:25-33
Great crowds were traveling with Jesus, and He turned and addressed them: "If anyone comes to me without hating his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple."
Our Lord is giving a stern message to his followers. Does he literally mean we should hate our father and mother? Isn't this a contradiction to the Commandment "Thou shall honor thy Father and thy Mother?" Of course not! Jesus wants us to sacrifice our own lives, and our relationships with others, in order to follow his example. Such sacrifice involves patience, self-control, humility, faith and love in all of our relationships. Our crosses are meant to help us grow and mature. Crosses enhance our ability to minister to others as a disciple of Christ. With empathy, we can understand the burdens of others because we experience similar burdens ourselves....
When I carry my own cross, I quietly say to Jesus, "I believe and trust in you! With your help I will be able to overcome my burdens and struggles. I want to learn from my mistakes. I desire to help others not make the same mistakes. Sometimes I don't know if I can handle this heavy cross anymore. My burdens, insecurities, and fears weigh me down. I truly want to be your disciple even if it's difficult task!"
I Carry My Cross (Original Poem)
I carry my cross for you, Oh Lord;
As the disciple you call me to be;
I don't know if I can take this burden;
Life seems rough, wish I was free.
Free to do whatever I choose;
Without guilt, conscience or shame.
Greed, lust, jealousy, and gluttony;
With a desire for fortune and fame;
Our culture promises fun without Christ;
Why take up a cross? Why does it matter?
Earthly pleasures can fix everything;
No need to believe in religious chatter.
Fight the temptations that lure us away;
The Devil likes to play a mind game;
Making us think our cross too heavy;
Our lives wretched, our families to blame.
Don't believe the lies of deceit;
But believe in the words of encouragement;
Our Lord's infinite love and mercy;
Can lighten our cross with spiritual nourishment.
I carry my cross for you, Oh Lord!
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