Feast of Saint Martin of Tours

Gospel of Luke 17:1-6
"Things that cause sin will inevitably occur, but woe to the one through whom they occur. It would be better for him if a millstone were put around his neck and he be thrown into the sea than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin. Be on your guard!"
When I was growing up, I enjoyed Summer weekends at my grandparents' house in East Texas. My aunt and uncle would bring down their boat. We'd pack up some soft drinks, life jackets, and water ski equipment for a day at the lake. Sometimes the wind gusts made the lake choppy. Other times the winds were calm. It was frustrating when a random rain cloud appeared out of nowhere to sprinkle droplets on our fun in the sun. One of the best parts of the lake involved floating on a raft & observing the cloud formations. I always wish I lived by the sea.....
Water has a calming, purging and relaxing effect. I welcome creative thinking when I'm under the shower or in a soothing aromatherapy bath. A world without water or a vast ocean desolate and barren, no life could exist.....
What if there was no baptismal water to cleanse away original sin? What if no water existed for us to sprinkle ourselves with when we enter a Catholic Church? How would our sins be continuously purged?
We are called to be lifeguards in the sea of life. This includes admonishing and forgiving one another. No one wants to walk the plank because of a sinful thought. No one wants to float alone in a lifeboat during the middle of a tsunami because of a sinful act. No one wants to be bitten by a shark or stung by a jelly fish because of a sinful omission. It's so important for us as Christians to watch out for the safe-guard of others. Many people don't like to be told when they are doing something wrong, certainly if it's considered "sinful." Just that one conversation with a loved one can be the difference between drowning in sin and being rescued with the aid of a life preserver.
We are all sinners. We all feel the tug of a noose around our necks at times when things get tough. We may sometimes feel like jumping into the sea and drowning away our sorrows. During these times, we need to look up into the cumulus clouds and realize that Jesus is there to pour out a waterfall of love. He is an infinite oasis: A calm and tranquil sea.
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