Monday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary Tim
Mark 8:11-13

“Why does this generation seek a sign? Amen, I say to you, no sign will be given to this
When I was in school, I despised standardized tests! The scantron form was a pain in the you-know-what. (Do kids even still use those things anymore?) I always performed better on essays and short-answer tests than multiple choice exams. With a written response, there's always room for interpretation. Partial credit is often awarded. With a multiple choice question, the answer is either right or wrong. No gray area!
In today's gospel, the Pharisees argue with Jesus. They insist on a sign from heaven. It's the ultimate test. Of course, the Pharisees want Jesus to give them the "correct" answer but only to the "standard" of their own interpretation. See, this isn't a fair test. It's a test designed for Jesus to fail. This way the Pharisees can gather the evidence needed for an early conviction. Jesus sighed from the depth of his spirit. He remained calm even though I'm sure anger brewed internally. Those pesky Pharisees were aggravating him beyond measure! He refers to the Pharisees as "this generation." Interesting. Obviously this generation wouldn't fully understand and appreciate a heavenly sign if Jesus agreed to give one. The Pharisees and scribes were part of the old covenant. They would never comprehend the concept of Jesus and his new covenant. If Jesus gave the Pharisees a heavenly test, they would get a big fat F! All the studying in the world would never convert their stubborn hearts.
If Jesus gave us a heavenly test right now, would we pass? What kind of questions would Jesus ask? Multiple choice questions, essay question, or short answer? A mixture of all types?
Firstly, Jesus would test us on our degrees of love and kindness toward others. Do we live by the golden rule? Secondly, he'd ask us if prayer is a regular practice. What types of prayer do we engage in? Thirdly, he's ask us if we celebrate the sacraments regularly. Do we go to Mass every Sunday? Finally, he'd ask us how much we love him. Are we willing to become a martyr for the faith? Are we willing to spread the good news of Christ to others?
The ultimate heavenly sign proving Jesus' divinity was his death and resurrection. He died for our salvation. How could the Pharisees understand something so above their strict laws? We as Christians understand exactly what Jesus Christ is all about. He's faith, hope, and love. He's our Lord and our Savior. He lives and breathes with us through the everyday movements of the Holy Spirit.
The only way we'd fail the heavenly test is if we no longer believed in God and performed actions so horrendous only hell has space for us. Let's choose to believe. Let's choose to live a life that's morally sound and in line with Christ's teachings.
In today's gospel, the Pharisees argue with Jesus. They insist on a sign from heaven. It's the ultimate test. Of course, the Pharisees want Jesus to give them the "correct" answer but only to the "standard" of their own interpretation. See, this isn't a fair test. It's a test designed for Jesus to fail. This way the Pharisees can gather the evidence needed for an early conviction. Jesus sighed from the depth of his spirit. He remained calm even though I'm sure anger brewed internally. Those pesky Pharisees were aggravating him beyond measure! He refers to the Pharisees as "this generation." Interesting. Obviously this generation wouldn't fully understand and appreciate a heavenly sign if Jesus agreed to give one. The Pharisees and scribes were part of the old covenant. They would never comprehend the concept of Jesus and his new covenant. If Jesus gave the Pharisees a heavenly test, they would get a big fat F! All the studying in the world would never convert their stubborn hearts.
If Jesus gave us a heavenly test right now, would we pass? What kind of questions would Jesus ask? Multiple choice questions, essay question, or short answer? A mixture of all types?
Firstly, Jesus would test us on our degrees of love and kindness toward others. Do we live by the golden rule? Secondly, he'd ask us if prayer is a regular practice. What types of prayer do we engage in? Thirdly, he's ask us if we celebrate the sacraments regularly. Do we go to Mass every Sunday? Finally, he'd ask us how much we love him. Are we willing to become a martyr for the faith? Are we willing to spread the good news of Christ to others?
The ultimate heavenly sign proving Jesus' divinity was his death and resurrection. He died for our salvation. How could the Pharisees understand something so above their strict laws? We as Christians understand exactly what Jesus Christ is all about. He's faith, hope, and love. He's our Lord and our Savior. He lives and breathes with us through the everyday movements of the Holy Spirit.
The only way we'd fail the heavenly test is if we no longer believed in God and performed actions so horrendous only hell has space for us. Let's choose to believe. Let's choose to live a life that's morally sound and in line with Christ's teachings.
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