Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Spiritual Snippet -- 25 Ways to Pray

The Lenten Season begins with Ash Wednesday on March 8th, 2014.  Your "Lenten resolution" may involve enhancing your prayer life.  Here is a list of 25 Ways to Pray.  These are actions I've found useful in my own prayer journey.  I understand how difficult it is to find time out of a busy day to pray.  But, it can be done.  It just takes willingness and discipline.  I always feel better after a brief prayer period with our Lord.  You can, too!

1.  Pray with the liturgy at Mass.  Make an extra effort to attend daily mass during Lent.
2.  Adore the Blessed Sacrament for as little as fifteen minutes.  Dedicating a holy hour on a weekly basis will really enhance your spiritual life.
3.  Pray the rosary daily.  (It brings about so much inner peace.)
4.  Say a prayer of blessing before all meals.
5.  Pray the noon Angelus.
6.  Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
7.  Pray the  Liturgy of the Hours (Divine Office) morning, evening and night prayers -  (This is my personal favorite form of prayer. Very spiritually engaging along with the rosary.)
8.  Pray the Act of Contrition before retiring each night.
9.  At the Consecration, recite the Fatima Prayer when priest holds up the host and chalice. (I've done this for years and find it connects me to the Eucharistic Lord in a more intimate way.)
10.  Say a short prayer of thanksgiving when something good happens in your life.
11.  Pray a prayer of remembrance after hearing of someone passing away.
12.  Visit a nearby cemetery and silently pray as you look at the tombstones.
13.  Pray the Pope's intention of the week.
14.  Pray for 5 minutes while in the shower or bath.
15.  Pray while driving in your car with the aide of a recording or radio broadcast.
16.  Think about social injustices important to you and silently pray for an end to issues.
17.  During job breaks, spend a couple of minutes with eyes closed praying for God to help your work efforts.
18.  Pray for the Souls in purgatory.
19.  Pray while reading sacred scripture.
20.  Pray through the writings of Saints.
21.  Install a Catholic prayer app on your smartphone and pray with it often.
22.  Memorize scripture passages you find inspiring and recite them as a form of prayer.
23.  Pray for the people you don't like and for your enemies!  
24. Each day Google search "prayer" and see what you find.
25.  Pray micro-prayers - only a few short phrases.  The Jesus Prayer is a great example.

Remember our Lord wants you to talk to him on a daily basis.  Don't be a stranger.  Be a good friend to a Our Lord.  Always set aside time throughout the day to pray and to reflect.


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