Jesus said to them,“A prophet is not without honor except in his native
place and among his own kin and in his own house.” So he was not able to perform any mighty deed there,
apart from curing a few sick people by laying his hands
on them. He was amazed at their lack of faith.
Today is the Memorial of Saint Agatha, virgin and martyr. I find her story riveting. She was born in Sicily ca. 231 A.D to a rich and noble family. Her parents consecrated her virginity to the Lord as a child. At the age of 15, a Roman nobleman Quinitianus became obsessed for her love. He kidnapped, tortured and eventually imprisoned Agatha. In a humiliating act, he cut off her breasts. Despite the horrendous abuse Agatha endured, she retained her virginity and chastity. She remained steadfast and devoted. Her one true spouse was God and no evil man would ever have his way with her.
Saint Agatha is the patron saint of breast cancer patients. Clearly, she is working miracles from heaven with the rise of cancer remissions!
Questioning Faith Saint Agatha could have questioned her faith: "God, why do you not free me from the torture of this mad man? Do you not love me?" She could have slept with Quinitianus and end the abuse. She could have prostituted herself according to his wishes. Unfortunately, women do this all of the time. They are forced into sexual relationships against their will. They may believe in God but begin to question their faith. They do not see a way to stop the use and abuse. I often question my own faith as my heart weeps for the women and children who become victims of sexual abuse and trafficking. I simply do not understand why the world has to be so evil and cruel! It's as if we are living in a modern day Medieval times. I have to stop and think to myself: "God allowed evil into the world as a way to test our faith. Am I going to sit here and question it? Or, am I going to do something to initiate change ?" For St. Agatha, her action was not allowing her prisoner to defile her. She stubbornly endured torture, becoming a martyr out of love for God.
Let us not question our faith but live our faith to the fullest. God is here with us each step of the way as we endure pain. There's always hope through faith!
Saint Agatha, Pray for Us!
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