Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gospel of John 1:29-24

Behold, the Lamb of God In scripture, Jesus is referred to by several different names: Messiah, Son of God, Son of Man, Emmanuel, Lord and Savior. Today John the Baptist uses the term "Lamb of God." Unblemished lambs were often used as a sacrifice for sins committed. No longer will animal sacrifices be needed. Jesus Christ will become the human "sacrificial lamb" who preaches, teaches, heals, and converts hearts. John realizes his baptizing mission on earth is near completion. The Spirit of a dove points out the true Messiah- the one who will wipe away the sins of the whole world.
I Did Not Know Him I find it interesting John the Baptist didn't know Jesus or think of him as "the One"! He and Jesus were close in age and described as cousins. I guess when John moved into the desert he lost contact with family members. Maybe Elizabeth and Zechariah didn't live much longer after John's birth. Years went by, and as they entered manhood, John simply didn't recognize Jesus.
If Jesus came into your life at this moment, would you recognize him? Would you know him as a close friend, confidant, and mentor? Many times situations happen in our lives when we forget about the Lord's presence. He becomes like a long lost childhood friend we used to hang out with. He turns into a thing of the past, someone we used to love and spend time with but slowly drifted away from. We lose a cherished, intimate relationship with God. We stop going to Mass, stop praying, and focus more on creature comforts. We lose sight of the goal of entering into heaven. We simply no longer know Jesus. How sad and tragic!
The Mind of God In a letter to the Ephesians, Saint Ignatius of Antioch wrote the following:
"I am now beginning to be a disciple and I am speaking to you
as my fellow-disciples. It is you who should be strengthening me by your faith,
your encouragement, your patience, your serenity. But since love will not allow
me to be silent about you, I am taking the opportunity to urge you to be united
in conformity with the mind of God. For Jesus Christ, our life, without whom we
cannot live, is the mind of the Father, just as the bishops, appointed over the
whole earth, are in conformity with the mind of Jesus Christ."
The words conformity with the mind of God resonate deeply. I immediately think of the times when I pity myself, feel jealous, and speak negatively of others. I'm too lazy to bend a finger for someone in need because of resentment. I think I'm entitled to recognition and acknowledgment. My mind is full of more selfishness than selflessness. My mind thinks "woes is me" more than "blessed me," My thoughts do not conform with what our Lord has in mind: love, peace, harmony and unity with others. I wonder, "How on earth will I ever unite my mind with God's?" Oh how I wish I could purge myself of bad thoughts. Oh how I wish I could be a holier person. It's so difficult! Most important is to try to be a better person and give my heart to others the best I know how. I cannot be perfect like God but I can seek perfection.
Ways to unite with the mind of God: pray, adore, recognize blessings, help others in need, and always remember Christ's presence in our lives.
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