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Gospel of John 8:31-42
Jesus said to those Jews who believed in him,
“If you remain in
my word, you will truly be my disciples,and you will know
the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
I'm a huge 80's music fan! Right now spinning in my car's CD changer is Sting's If You Love Someone, Set Them Free. The following lyrics resonate well with today's gospel reading:
“You can't control an independent heart
Can't tear the one
you love apart
Forever conditioned
to believe that we can't live
We can't live here
and be happy with less
So many riches, so
many souls
Everything we see
we want to possess.”
Interesting we want to possess so many "things" in life including material goods and even other people. Yet, many of us simply refuse to "possess" Jesus Christ in our hearts. We gravitate toward the tangible instead of the spiritual. Our "independent hearts" think it's okay to pick and choose what sort of "truths" to believe in. My "truth" may not be someone else's "truth." My neighbor may believe in social justice for everyone except for the pre-born in the womb. A married couple may believe contraception is an okay even if it goes against Catholic teaching. Furthermore, a couple make think co-habitation is necessary before marriage even though studies show living together results in higher rates of divorce. When it comes to our Catholic faith, we cannot simply choose to believe in one teaching and discount another. All teachings interrelate. Jesus clearly says that if we remain in his Word, his TRUTH, we will be set free. We either believe in what the Lord and the Church teaches us or we don't.
How does the Truth of Jesus Christ set us free? Like the title to Sting's famous song, Jesus love us so much that he was willing to die on the cross to free us from our sins. Through this unconditional love, Our Lord lives and breathes with us as we go through the roller coaster of life. When we are set free, Jesus cares for us as his beloved children. When we are set free, Jesus brings peace and contentment. God will not stray from us. When we are set free, Jesus invites us to join him in the Kingdom of heaven. The main criteria is that we believe in his Truth, his way, and his life making an effort to follow his commandments in ways that are pleasing. Strive for holiness and love one another!
How does the Truth of Jesus Christ set us free? Like the title to Sting's famous song, Jesus love us so much that he was willing to die on the cross to free us from our sins. Through this unconditional love, Our Lord lives and breathes with us as we go through the roller coaster of life. When we are set free, Jesus cares for us as his beloved children. When we are set free, Jesus brings peace and contentment. God will not stray from us. When we are set free, Jesus invites us to join him in the Kingdom of heaven. The main criteria is that we believe in his Truth, his way, and his life making an effort to follow his commandments in ways that are pleasing. Strive for holiness and love one another!
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