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Gospel of Matthew 26:14-25

One of the Twelve, who
was called Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said,
“What are you willing to give me if I hand him over to you?”
They paid him thirty pieces of silver, and from that time on he looked for an opportunity to hand him over.
“What are you willing to give me if I hand him over to you?”
They paid him thirty pieces of silver, and from that time on he looked for an opportunity to hand him over.
Why? Why did Judas do it? Why did he betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver? What a cheap price for Christ's life! In fact, Jesus' life was priceless when we consider all of the good he did for the people. His healings, teachings, and love for sinners helped form the basis of Christianity. Even though Judas betrayed his friend, and ended up killing himself out of shame, Christianity only surged stronger. Those thirty pieces of "blood money" didn't stop people from believing Christ's message of salvation. Jesus' ultimate crucifixion, death and resurrection only invited more believers.
When I examine Judas more closely, I see a man envious and resentful. Jesus performed amazing miracles, growing in popularity. However, Judas was given the task of carrying around the heavy money bag. So, why not steal a little for himself? Why not make a deal with the Pharisees and scribes to put the Son of God to death? Wouldn't that ultimately give Judas fame and fortune? I see Judas as the "black sheep" of the disciples. He sincerely loved and believed in Christ but felt inferior compared with the other chosen disciples. This is why he chose criminal activity. Also, Judas may have resented the Lord's "favorites" including Peter, James and John. No way he could be a disciple of significance like these men! In his mind, the best option is to hand over Jesus to the enemy: Crucify the Lord!
Don't be like Judas What Judas did to our Lord is heartbreaking and gut-wrenching. It's hard for us as believers to think any man, especially a disciple of Christ, could betray. Yet, we see people like Judas all of the time. They are selfish, hateful, and angry. They want to "ruin" lives so they can "feel better" about themselves. Thieves want what others have. Murderers seek revenge for personal offenses. Cheats think they are entitled to everything and will get what they want unfairly.
Don't become another Judas! Show love and compassion toward others. Become selfless instead of selfish. Don't allow Satan to overwhelm your thoughts with envy, resentment, anger, and hate. Look for the good inside of every single person even our enemy. Remember in the end God won't welcome the truly wicked into the Kingdom of Heaven. However, he does give us second chances over and over again to mend our ways. Let us accept the Lord's healing grace and repent from our sins.
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