(Click Here for Readings)
Gospel of John 1:1-18

Wow, I can't believe 2013 is coming to a end. This year has gone by so quickly. At this time, I begin to do a self-assessment of my accomplishments and challenges. I'm very blessed to say this year was very good. Yes, The Lord did throw some curve balls and a few unwelcomed surprises, especially in regards to home repairs, but overall things went well. I feel like I'm closer to Christ, especially in his Word reflected in holy scripture. Setting aside time each day to write a meditation has been a work in progress, something I had to get in the habit of doing. Now I find writing a wonderful way of praying and engaging in conversation with God. I know he's been trying to dialog with me for so long, but I've allowed busyness to push him away. Daily meditation allows me to open and expand my mind. Get the creative juices flowing! The Holy Spirit always seems to spark ideas. All I have to do is observe my surroundings. Be aware of what's happening in the world around me. Nine out of ten times the gospel reading of the day coincides with something personal in my life. God's presence is there!
In a God-instance. I no longer believe in coincidences. A fellow student in a catechetical course I took a few years expressed the term "God-instance" for the times in our lives things seem to happen in an eerily familiar way. God shapes circumstances in our lives to challenge us and allow us to grow. I'm so blessed by special people who've entered my life this year. Or, the times things seem to happen unexpected that help me along the way. I think there is no defined reason why certain situations arise. They just happen because God allows them. I've always believed it's God's will when certain people enter and leave my life. Most of the time those who leave were bad for me to begin with! I cherish my friends and acquaintances who are still a part of my life. They may be gone in a "God-instant" so I should keep them close. God-instances occur all the time and can be fun to look out for.
The Last a Hour, A New Beginning As a a Southern tradition, I already have my blackened peas for good luck ready for the New Year. I've begun to list New Year's resolutions, many of them devoted to exploring my Catholic Faith more deeply. In the last hour with a new beginning on the horizon, I wish to continue to mature and grow. Work on my weaknesses so they aren't so burdensome. Find ways to stay better connected to friends who all seem to be crazy busy. Take time for daily prayer, meditation, and the rosary. Explore ways I can evangelize Christ's message in a way that is inviting. Become a better financial steward and use my money wisely. Overall, I need to get out of myself. As an introvert by nature, it's difficult for me to get out and socialize. I look forward to the joys and challenges of 2014. I trust it will be another amazing year of spiritual growth!
Have A Blessed New Year!!