Thursday, December 26, 2013

Receive My Spirit

Feast of Saint Stephen, the First Martyr

(Click Here for Readings)

Gospel of Matthew 10:17-22
Acts of the Apostles 6:8-10; 7:54-59

".....Brother will hand over brother to death, and the father his child; children will rise up against parents and have them put to death.  You will be hated by all because of my name, but whoever endures to the end will be saved."

From Birth to Martyrdom I find the passages in today's readings somewhat sad and disheartening.  Just yesterday we celebrated the birth of our Savior and today we "celebrate" death and martyrdom of one of the earliest apostles.  Yesterday was clearly joyful.  Today not as joyful.  However, maybe  it depends how you think about the situation.  Here Stephen filled with the Holy Spirit debated, infuriating crowds. The Synagogue of Freedman et. al were tired of hearing ridiculous talk about this Son of Man.  Stephen ended up stoned to death as a result. Ironically, his cloaks were placed at the feet of a "young man Saul" who eventually became the converted St. Paul!  So, in the scheme of things, one's martyrdom eventually converted the soul of another.  One's martyrdom proved what Jesus told his disciples:  You will be hated because of my name. but whoever endures to the end will be saved.  Saint Stephen as a "first bud of martyrdom" cried out, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.  The Lord gladly welcomed Stephen into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Endure to the End Yesterday, as I walked out of Mass I noticed a man standing outside.  He held up a sign "I recently lost my job.  I have 3 children to support....Can you please help?"  Beside him stood three small children.  I looked at the face of one of the little girls.  So heartbreaking!!  A few people placed coins into the man's bucket.  Another gentleman returned from his car opening up his wallet so he could give the poor man money. 

The small family appeared to be immigrants.  We receive a lot of "gypsies" who loiter around the church looking for handouts.  It's often difficult to tell if these people are truly needy.  If Jesus saw this man with children, he would never doubt the man's sincerity. He'd help with no questions asked. 

Unfortunately, I've been approached by so many "beggars" over the course of life I've become desensitized.  It's easy to turn a blind eye.  I don't want to look at people who are homeless.  I don't want to be bothered by their misfortune.  I don't want smelly, drunk, mentally ill people around.  We have homeless shelters for a purpose.  Let the shelters help these people out.  However, listening to Pope Francis' words about how we should care for the poor and learning that he sneaks out at night to help the poor made me realize that these people are children of God, too.  They deserve love, respect, and aide.  Stones of rejection should not be thrown at the penniless!  As Christians, if we want to be saved we must endure until the end.  We must help those in need even if it's uncomfortable and takes time out of our busy schedules.  We must refrain from unfair judgment and ridicule.  We must be good witnesses of Jesus Christ and act in ways pleasing to him.  Yes, we may be scourged, hated and ridiculed for acting in ways that don't fit the modern-day norm.  Think about what Jesus would do - he'd never turn away the rejected.  We should do the same thing, too.

Saint Stephen, Pray for Us!


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