Saturday, December 7, 2013

Jesus' Heart Moved with Pity

Saturday of the First Week of Advent

Gospel of Matthew 9:35-10:1, 5a, 6-8
Isaiah 30:19-21, 23-26

Jesus went around to all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom, and curing every disease and illness.  At the sight of the crowds, his
heart was moved with pity for them.....

After reading this gospel passage, the Holy Spirit inspired me to write a poem for today's meditation.  Here it goes.......

I must confess I'm not a very talented poet! Whenever I was required to write a poem for high school literature classes, I agonized over what to write.  I could never form the correct words.  In fact, my mother, who is an excellent writer, had no problems thinking of something  for me to submit for the teacher's evaluation. I loved reading the English romantic poets, but I couldn't stand writing a poem myself.  Interesting how words flow easier when I'm writing creatively and not for a school grade!

Jesus' Heart Moved with Pity 
(An Original Poem Based on Matthew 9-10)

Jesus is moved with pity for us;
At the sight of the abandoned and hurt;
His heart swells with compassion;
Enduring, ready and alert.
Healing, forgiving, and protecting his sheep;
As the fine shepherd to be;
The predicted Messiah and holy King;
By Isaiah, Prophet and See.

The diseased and lame need no worry;
Christ has arrived to cure.
Proclaiming the Gospel message to all;
Uplifting souls with his lure.
Inviting the disciples to continue his path;
Instruct, cleanse, and heal.
The kingdom of Heaven is close at hand;
Spread the news with fervor and zeal.
Zeal that is contagious, caring, and whole.
Following Christ Jesus in spirit of joy;
Never forgetting the promise he made;
To be with us now and forever more.

 Happy Advent!


1 comment:

  1. Wonderful, encouraging and inspiring poem. Perfection comes from trial.
