Gospel of John 18:1-19:42
After this, aware that everything was now finished, in order that the Scripture might be fulfilled, Jesus said, “I thirst.” There was a vessel filled with common wine. So they put a sponge soaked in wine on a sprig of hyssop and put it up to his mouth. When Jesus had taken the wine, he said, “It is finished.” And bowing his head, he handed over the spirit.
I just returned from a Good Friday "Modern-Day Calvary" prayer service at an abortion facility. I have not prayed in front of such a clinic in over 10 years, so I was a little nervous what to expect.
The newly-built clinic is only 12 miles from my house, but it took forever to get there. I hit every red light and even a train crossing. My heart pound and raced as I wondered what this "surgical center" looked like. The one I used to go to, now closed down and demolished, was unsightly and literally reeked of death.....
I parked over at a Baptist Church across the street from the clinic. I noticed an awesome sign displaying the following words: "You Can't Keep A Good Man Down. Happy Easter"
"Amen!" I smiled thinking, "How true! And you can't keep Pro-Lifers away from an abortion mill if moms and babies can be saved!"
Hundreds of pro-lifers (all ages) lined up along the sidewalk in front of the surgical center. It's facade is clean and modern looking. Nobody driving by would even know that late-term abortions are performed there EXCEPT for the string of pro-life signage and white crosses lining the sidewalk. 42 crosses displayed in a row = the number of years abortion has been legal in the United States.
The white cross I stood at just so happen to have been broken in half. It was for the year 1997. I suspect a vandal must have walked by and tore it up in an ignorant effort to prove a point. Right behind that torn up cross displayed an even bigger wooden cross propped up next to a tree.
The group began the prayer service with the Pro-Life Stations of the Cross. Then we transitioned into the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary. We sang Easter-related hymns in between the mysteries. The service concluded with a recitation of the Divine Mercy chaplet.
The most interesting part of the hour and half prayer service was witnessing the reactions of cars driving by. Several cars displayed their approval with double beeps (the happy honk!) and either a wave or a thumbs up. At one point a school bus full of kids drove by!! The driver honked and waved while the children waved, too. Midway through the rosary, a paramedic truck sped by with horns blasting. However, when they came up to our peaceful praying they silenced their sirens! I thought, "Wow, what a courteous thing to do."
Of course, a few jerks (mostly men) drove down the busy street honking their horns full blast in order to drown us out. The lovely middle finger showed up a couple of times. I couldn't help but laugh at one guy giving us the "You're loony!" symbol with one hand as he took a smartphone pic with the other. Aren't both hands supposed to be on the steering wheel when driving? Oh boy...
We didn't let the naysayers bother us. In fact, I couldn't help but laugh at their ridiculous antics! We kept praying and singing, knowing we were doing this not only in remembrance of the crucifixion of Our Lord but also in recognition of the crucifixion of legalized abortion.
So many smiling faces as pro-lifers gathered together and in such beautiful weather! I was glad to be a part of such a beautiful event.
Blessings this Good Friday!
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