Tuesday, July 22, 2014

I've Seen the Lord!

Memorial of Saint Mary Magdalene

(Click Here for Readings)

Gospel of John 20:1-2, 11-18

Jesus said to her, “Mary!” She turned and said to him in Hebrew, “Rabbouni,” which means Teacher. Jesus said to her, “Stop holding on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and tell them,‘I am going to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’” Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord,” and then reported what he told her.

The feast day of Saint Mary Magdalene brings fond memories of the night I received Confirmation and 1st Eucharist in the Catholic Church - Easter Vigil 1998. I remember the tall paschal candle adoring the altar and the choir singing like heavenly angels.  My friends and family watched with anticipation as Monsignor placed the blessed sacramental oil on my forehead. What a beautiful experience!

I carefully chose "Mary Magdalene" as my confirmation name.  I always felt a closeness to her.  I relate to her deep love for Christ, her sincere devotion, and her willingness to learn and serve.  Throughout the Lenten Season, I wear my Mary Magdalene pendant as a reminder of her special role in the Passion and Resurrection. I like how the Church places Mary's day of remembrance in the middle of Ordinary Time.  The Lenten and Easter Seasons have long past; however, we're once again reminded of Christ's resurrection and Mary's important role as first witness and messenger.

Why are you weeping?   Anyone who has suffered a deep loss can relate to Mary Magdalene.  The inner pain and sadness is excruciating and mind-numbing.  Tears overflow and the weeping seems endless.  I recently found out a wonderful woman at my parish passed away after a long battle with cancer.  She and I became good friends.  I wish I had the chance to join her for lunch like we always planned to do, but I never got around to it. I feel a little guilty for not sharing that meal.  I thought we'd have all the time in the world to get together.  

Don't take life for granted. Spend more precious time with friends and family.  We never know when God may decide to take us away from this earth....

I know this wonderful friend and fellow Catholic convert is no longer in pain and discomfort.  She's not weeping from heaven but smiling.  She's telling us to wipe away those tears and be strong. Keep witnessing to the Faith.  Be as strong as Mary Magdalene.

Stop holding on!   In our grief and misery, we may have a hard time letting go.  We simply cannot admit our loved one is gone.  We become depressed thinking life cannot move on without the person. God doesn't want us to be sad forever.  In fact, he wants us to realize there is so much joy awaiting in heaven.  Why hold on to the image of someone sick and suffering?  Why hold on to the pain of  the death of a baby when that child is now in heaven curled up in the arms of Our Blessed Mother?  Grief is about mourning the loss of someone special for a brief period of time.  Life is worth living and not weeping or mourning.  We can turn that grief into beautiful service for the Lord.  We can ask God to heal our hearts and our minds so that we can let go.  Imagine our loved ones in the arms of the Lord in Heaven!

O lamp of the world and shining pearl, you were worthy to become the Apostle to the apostles by announcing the resurrection of Christ: O Mary Magdalene, be for us always a holy intercessor with God who chose you.

Saint Mary Magdalene, Pray for Us!


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