Saturday, February 14, 2015

A Few Thoughts... Valentine's Day 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!  Do have you a special someone in your life - a boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, significant other?  My little dachshund is showering me with her sweet licks as I type this post.  She's my Valentine!

Yesterday I found it amusing the number of men at the grocery store!  They all waited until the last minute to take love tokens home to their sweethearts.  Men carried bouquets of flowers, plants, chocolates, teddy bears and bottles of wine through the checkout lines.  I'm sure the local supermarket is more populated with men on Valentine's Day - second in rank only to the Super Bowl where beer is preferred to floral arrangements.

Let's see....  When was the last time I received roses or chocolates from a special Bo?  Close to tens years ago!  Yikes!  No wonder the yearly V-day isn't rated very high on my list of secular holidays.  I always feel left out by the male race.  Of course, it's by my own choice.  I could have a BF if I truly wanted one.  I could hook up with just any man on the block, but would I be any happier?  

I like the idea of Jesus being my Valentine!  He shares his Sacred Heart with me throughout the year and not just on February 14th.  He loves me unconditionally. He knows me better than I know myself.  My trust in Him and His mercy towards me is longer lasting than a vase of fresh cut flowers or a box of chocolates.  I don't have to worry about being single in a pro-couple world! God doesn't mind my choice of the single life!  I don't have to be sad because I don't get a valentine gift like so many other women at work.  I know I never have to meet Valentines Day sexual expectations as a single and chaste Christian woman.  I've subscribed to what I call the No Dating Because I Don't Plan To Marry plan.  That pretty much means V-Day is a wash out for me.  Well not entirely true.... My mom always gives me a special Valentine's Day gift.  This year she bought me a portable aromatherapy diffuser.  The smell of lavender fills the room, relaxing me to the point I no longer feel the nauseating effects of infamous V-Day.  It appears to me as more of a  corporate profit-making holiday than anything else. 

A friend forwarded to me an interesting article about Invisible Boyfriends and Invisible Girlfriends.(click here for the article)  The Internet service allows a single person to lie about their couple status, pretending to have a boyfriend in order to shoo away men she is not interested in ( or women he is not interested in).  All I can think is how pathetic.  Why disobey the Lord's commandment "thou shall not bear false witness" just because you're not happy being single?  Or maybe you're fine with single hood but tired of others wishing you'd pair up!  The best thing to do is just be honest and tell it like it is.  If you're not interested in someone, tell them to back off!  Paying money for love deception seems like a waste, but it doesn't surprise me.  In our digital world, this is just how the algorithms and pixels fall these days.....


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