Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Least vs. The Greatest

Wednesday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time
Memorial of Saint Barnabas, Apostle

(Click Here for Readings)

Gospel of Matthew 5:17-19

 Jesus said to his disciples:“Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place. Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do so will be called least in the Kingdom of heaven. But whoever obeys and teaches these commandments will be called greatest in the Kingdom of heaven.” 

The smallest letter of the law   As Jesus began his public ministry, he announced to his disciples:  I have come not to abolish the law or the prophets but to fulfill.  He wanted his apostles to understand the Commandments and Mosaic Laws remained valid, even to the smallest letter.  He had much work to do before heaven and earth pass away.  The disciples needed to connect-the-dots: Old Testament prophesy vs. Christ's ministry on earth.

I'm sure in some respects the Jewish people feared Jesus and his real intentions.  Would he go against Jewish tradition?  Would he insist on changes to the moral code so heavily influenced in the culture?  Would he rise to power as a King of the land demanding his own rules and laws be followed?  Is Jesus for real?

Jesus was a new element of God - a loving, caring, and compassionate human being.  He was no longer the angry God of the Old Testament who'd punish people with pestilence, famines, and floods. Jesus' main concern was that his believers continue to follow the law to the letter.  Riches lied in the Kingdom of Heaven for those who obeyed and taught others the commandments.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we were all perfect and never strayed from God's commandments?  If this was so, there'd be no need for God or for his healing forgiveness. Sin wouldn't exist.  It would be as if Adam and Eve never ate the apple from the Tree of Life.  We'd all be basking in the glory of the Kingdom of Heaven.  There wouldn't be a least versus a greatest.  We'd all be the greatest!

The Least in God's Kingdom I think of the Least in God's kingdom as the "bad boys and girls."  They are typically good-minded people.  They aren't murderers, rapists, or satanists.  They just like to play on the wild side.  They may break a commandment or two like involving themselves in adulterous affairs, cheating, stealing, and defamation.  Also, they may influence others to do the same.  They are aware of God's commandments but choose to ignore them.  Again, they aren't destined for Hell. However, they could use some fine tuning.

The Greatest in God's Kingdom  By contrast, the Greatest in God's Kingdom are the saints and saints-to-be.  (We are all called to be Saints!)  These people make an honest effort to follow God's Commandments and teachings.  At times when they do fail, they acknowledge their sins and ask for pardon and forgiveness.  They show compassion, humility, and respect towards others.  They put God as the center of their lives.

The Least can become the Greatest and the Greatest can become the Least.  By our human nature we are tempted into performing acts contrary to Christ's teachings.  Thank goodness for the Sacrament of Reconciliation!  I preach this over and over again the importance of regular confession. What a way to heal our inner wounds!

Let us all become one of the greatest in God's kingdom!


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