Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Are You Bearing Good Fruit?

Wednesday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time

(Click Here for Readings)

Gospel of Matthew 7:15-20

Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Just so, every good tree bears good fruit, and a rotten tree bears bad fruit.A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a rotten tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire. So by their fruits you will know them.”

After reading this familiar gospel passage, I thought about the two old Bradford pear trees I cut down last year which grew in my home's front and back yards. One contracted a severe case of fire blight, brought along by drought conditions.  The other was a healthy tree but grew too big, too fast.  The weight of her branches and leaves couldn't support her trunk.  With one violent thunderstorm, she split in half.  I loved those trees for their beauty, but then I also loathed the trees because they required constant pruning.  Raking leaves in the Fall proved a terrible burden.  Even though I miss the shade, I don't miss the upkeep.  I did keep one small branch from each tree as a reminder of their immense beauty.

Rotting Fruit   Have you ever tasted a rotten apple or a mushy orange?  Nature's way of warning us that something is bad, even inedible, is a bad smell and foul taste.  If you see insects or worms feasting on a piece of fruit, another sign to throw it away.  Yet, every day we are surrounded by rotting fruit hanging from the tree of mortal sin.  It's easy to harvest the fruit since it simply falls to the ground.  We don't have to climb up the tree of mortal sin.  It's branches droop to the ground inviting us to continuously feed on selfishness, pride, sensuality, lust, etc.  The "rotting" fruit may have a sweet, intoxicating flavor on the first bite but ends up feeding our hearts with bitterness.  Simply put, rotting fruit "rots" our souls.  

Bearing Good Fruit  In order to bear good fruit, we must harvest from a healthy tree.  This tree may be huge in comparison to the rotting tree.  It's lush foliage and thick bark make it cumbersome to climb.  However, the fruit it produces is nourishing for our souls.  It's life giving and life affirming!  Eating good fruit encourages us to live a holy and moral life.  It's not an easy climb though. We may require assistance of  ladder, a large climbing rope, or even other Christians in order to harvest it's delectable fruit, but it's way worth the effort!

Which tree will you harvest from?  One that is rotting or one that is healthy?  It's your choice.  The easier choice may be to eat rotten fruit off the ground, but in the long run it will make you sick!  If it was up to me, I'd harvest delectable fruit from the healthy tree.  It's vitamins and minerals will only encourage the soul to grow in holiness.


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