Friday, June 13, 2014

A Whisper from God

Friday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time
Memorial of Saint Anthony of Padua, Priest and Doctor of the Church

Book of 1 Kings 19:9A, 11-16

A strong and heavy wind was rending the mountains and crushing rocks before the LORD—but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake—but the LORD was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake there was fire— but the LORD was not in the fire. After the fire there was a tiny whispering sound. When he heard this, Elijah hid his face in his cloak and went and stood at the entrance of the cave.

I  love the bible stories involving the Prophet Elijah. In this classic passage from the First Book of Kings, Elijah is trying to "hear" the voice of God.  He thinks it will come in some a huge, spectacular, noticeable way:  through the wind, fire, or an earthquake.  However, God speaks to Elijah in only a faint whispering sound.  The subtle, intimate, quiet way of communication frightened Elijah into hiding his face in his cloak.

Looking for the Big  Many times in our lives we look for God to answer our prayers in some big way.   As a result, we ignore the subtle, quiet ways that God answers.  In fact, we may be looking in the wrong direction for that big revelation when  all along God is answering our prayers through the quiet words of a friend, an article we read on the Internet, or even unexpected money that we receive in the mailbox.  God's quiet whisper leads to pleasant surprises!

God isn't flamboyant and showy. We shouldn't expect him to knock us off our feet in a fiery display with dramatic music in the background.  We shouldn't expect God to grant us everything that we pray for the way we desire.  Perhaps we want the big house, the big car, the bigger bonus, and the big family.  Instead we are blessed with a modest home, enough money to pay the bills, and a small family.  

Big isn't necessary better when it comes to the way God works.  This is complete opposite of American culture today.  Recently, I've saw a Verizon commercial with the theme "More is Better."  If a customer signs up for Verizon cellular service, they can get more data, more call time, more, more, more.  This commercial really bothers me because it only encourages consumers to buy more stuff they don't need.  What happened to a simplified life?  What happened to only buying what you need? I remember growing up when we didn't even have a cell phone much less texting and web streaming.  

In my own life, I try to look for the small, subtle answers. I enjoy looking for the "clues" God passes along in my life journey.  Sometimes I don't quite understand why a certain prayer wasn't answered in what I believe was a suitable way.  But then years later I realize, "Ah!  That's why God didn't answer my prayer this way. He wanted me to do this!" 

Overall I prefer God's quiet way instead of society's loud boisterous way.  I always know he's there listening to me, protecting me from harm.  I know he understands my struggles and hardships.  He is always speaking to me in a whisper that may be hard to hear at times but will become loud and clear when I'm ready to accept his guidance.

Saint Anthony of Padua, Pray for Us!


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