Saturday, May 17, 2014

A Special Dwelling Place

Friday of the Fourth Week of Easter

(Click Here for Readings)

Gospel of John 14:1-6
Jesus said to his disciples:
“Do not let your hearts be troubled.
You have faith in God; have faith also in me.  In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places. If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you?"

A Troubled Heart  My heart has been troubled for quite some time now. Work stress, financial burdens, home responsibilities, and over-extended church commitments has worn down my nerves raw.  I'm mentally and physically exhausted!  It doesn't help that I read and hear of all of the tragedies going on in the world today.  I have tremendous faith in God, and know he will turn things around in time, but why does it seem like everything is falling apart so quickly?  Why does it seem like more and more people suffer?  I'm particularly sadden and horrified by the pregnant Sudanese Christian woman who will be hung for apostasy.  The government has made an exception allowing her to give birth to the baby and nurse it before being killed.  Yes, it's somewhat "humane" they are allowing the innocent child in the womb to live, but why not  allow the women to live, too? Make an exception to her ill fate? I pray that somehow amnesty will be granted and this Christian doctor and mother of two will live.

 The lack of religious freedom in areas of the world, as well as the continued violence against women, troubles my heart even more.  I sincerely feel for these people.  I'm so blessed to be a woman living in the United States.  I'm so blessed to be allowed to marry whoever I want and practice any religion that I choose.  Other women do not get such freedoms! Every time I feel sorry for myself, I should remember that women across the world are undergoing cruelty and injustice.....

A special dwelling place I think a special dwelling place resides in heaven dedicated to the men, women and children who've died under religious persecution and intolerance.  This place is full of eternal love.  Everything that was once miserable on earth is now glorious in heaven.  

Actually, I think God has a special dwelling place for each one of us.  It is uniquely designed to fit whatever our talents, hobbies, and pleasures consisted of on earth.  I imagine my dwelling place as a house similar where I am living now.  The heavenly home is surrounded by vineyards, herbs, and beautiful flowers.  All of the precious animals I've owned, or been fond of, are living in the home with me.  Music surrounds me everywhere I go.  All of my family and friends who have made it to heaven are nearby neighbors.  I see my favorite Saints passing along the walkway between dwellings peacefully and joyfully praying.  Angels are flying about delivering the heavenly news of the day.  (Perhaps I'm asked to intercede for a human who's going through a difficult time.)  Overall the dwelling place of heaven is serene.  No more pain, suffering, or turmoil.  Everything is peaceful and beautiful.

Let us always have faith in Our Lord regardless of what ails us.  Allow God to heal our inner souls.  Pray and meditate regularly so that the issues that trouble our hearts no longer affect us in a destructive way.

We have so much to look forward to the the Kingdom of Heaven!  Keep up the faith, hope, love and charity.  Lift up our hearts to the Lord and sing praise to him.


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