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Gospel of John 15:1-8
Jesus said to his
disciples: “I am the true
vine, and my Father is the vine grower. He takes away every
branch in me that does not bear fruit, and everyone that
does he prunes so that it bears more fruit. You are already
pruned because of the word that I spoke to you. Remain in me, as I
remain in you."
A Wine Toast I just finished reading C.S. Lewis' classic Screwtape Proposes A Toast . Originally published in The Saturday Evening Post (1959), this cleverly written text relates to modern day spiritual warfare and temptations.
A highlight of the story is when Screwtape, a master at temptations, proposes a toast to the graduating class of Tempters' Training College (Location: The fiery pits of Hell.) Screwtape says in his speech:
Fill your glasses. What is this I see? What is this delicious bouquet I inhale? Can it be?....... I see and smell, that under wartime conditions the College cellar still has a few dozen of sound old vintage Pharisee. Well, well, well. This is like old times. Hold it beneath your nostrils, gentledevils. Hold it up to the light. Look at those fiery streaks that writhe and tangle in its dark heart, as if they were contending. And so they are......
Imagine drinking vintage Pharisee wine?! I laughed when I read this. A heavenly vintage is preferred over a diabolical one, especially when we choose to be faithful to God instead of Lucifer. Don't become like a biblical Pharisee.
Jesus vs. Satan's pruning Let's say I'm a beautiful grapevine growing in the Lord's vineyard. Jesus comes over to prune me so I bear more heavenly fruit. Unfortunately, I'm diseased by mortal sin. The fungus of Satan's influence begins to rot my outer leaves and bark. Weeds surround my roots. Satan doesn't care if I live and die. He won't even bother to prune. Yet, Our Lord sees me in an unhealthy state. He sprays away the fungus and carefully prunes my branches. His vines of grace wrap themselves around my woody flesh so that I will become fruitful again. I know as a grapevine I will not be cut down and burned because I accepted Jesus as the true vintner. I will soon produce magnificent grapes fermented into the most delicious vintage of wine possible!
Imagine drinking vintage Pharisee wine?! I laughed when I read this. A heavenly vintage is preferred over a diabolical one, especially when we choose to be faithful to God instead of Lucifer. Don't become like a biblical Pharisee.
Jesus vs. Satan's pruning Let's say I'm a beautiful grapevine growing in the Lord's vineyard. Jesus comes over to prune me so I bear more heavenly fruit. Unfortunately, I'm diseased by mortal sin. The fungus of Satan's influence begins to rot my outer leaves and bark. Weeds surround my roots. Satan doesn't care if I live and die. He won't even bother to prune. Yet, Our Lord sees me in an unhealthy state. He sprays away the fungus and carefully prunes my branches. His vines of grace wrap themselves around my woody flesh so that I will become fruitful again. I know as a grapevine I will not be cut down and burned because I accepted Jesus as the true vintner. I will soon produce magnificent grapes fermented into the most delicious vintage of wine possible!
I am the vine, you
are the branches. Whoever remains in
me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me
you can do nothing. (John 15:5)
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