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Gospel of John 10:11-18

Jesus said:“I am the good
shepherd. A good shepherd
lays down his life for the sheep. A hired man, who is
not a shepherd and whose sheep are
not his own, sees a wolf coming
and leaves the sheep and runs away, and the wolf
catches and scatters them...."
Jesus vs. the Big Bad Wolf Ultimately, Jesus died an agonizing death on the cross for the salvation of the whole world. He is our Good Shepherd who still "pastures" us through the works of the Holy Spirit. He guides us along with his walking stick never forgetting about us. When we are lost, he finds us. When we are alone, he comforts us. When we make bad judgments, he forgives us. He protects us from the influences of Satan when we clearly listen to his call instead of the call of the big bad wolf! In other words, Christ as the true shepherd wants what is best for each one of us. Sometimes we may be "tricked" by Satan into thinking God isn't there for us and that HE is the one we should follow! The devil doesn't have much power when we turn to Christ and the Blessed Virgin for protection. He will try his hardest to make us lose our way, following a path of darkness instead of the narrow path to holiness. The Father of Lies will flood our minds with all kinds of garbage in order for us to run away from God and never return. No way this will happen under the careful watch of the Good Shepherd! However, it's up to us to remain faithful at all times.
Lay Down Your Life for Someone Do you know anybody who has sacrificed their own life for someone else? I think of our brave soldiers in time of war and conflict. Catholic martyrs come to mind such as St. Maximilian Kolbe. I think of the courageous pregnant women who refuse cancer treatments, quickly dying after they give birth to their children. I think of our firemen and police officers who often pass away in the process of saving others.
The willingness to die for someone else takes tremendous strength, courage, and humility. Personally I don't know if I could do it! It would be easier to help a good person survive versus a bad person. Also, I think I could die for a cause that I support. Overall it's something I have to pray about. Laying down your own life for someone else is a tough act but a holy one!
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