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Gospel of Luke 1:39-56
And Mary said: “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant. From this day all generations will call me blessed: the Almighty has done great things for me, and holy is his Name.
Total Consecration I have just completed the 33 day preparation for Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary according to Saint Louis de Montfort (myconsecration.org). I made my private consecration at daily mass this morning followed by a very fruitful confession.
Actually, I started the consecration process back in 2012 but stopped toward the end. I didn't feel ready to devote myself completely to Jesus through the intercession of the Blessed Mother. Throughout my conversion process, I've struggled understanding Marian devotions and dogma. Only in the last year have I experienced the power of Mary's intercession in my own life! As a fledgling Lay Dominican, I've come to cherish Mary's important role in salvation history. Her "Yes!" to her call to become the mother of Our Lord is completely remarkable! I can't see how a mere 13 year old young woman could possess incredible wisdom, humility, and acceptance. I know if I was Mary, recently told I was pregnant with the Lord, I would shutter in disbelief. I'd question the angel, "What on earth are you talking about? There's no way God would choose me to carry the savior of the world in my womb!" I'd probably feel a little ashamed at my pregnancy, worried people think ill of me. Our Blessed Mother was conceived without the residual effects of original sin, so of course no surprise she'd accept the news without question and complaint. The fact she traveled alone to Judah to visit her elderly cousin is special in itself. She felt it was necessary to share her wonderful news with a close relative who happened to be pregnant, too. Mary could have decided to keep her pregnancy a secret. She could have instantly felt unworthy of her chosen motherhood, weeping in sorrow for something she never wanted to happen. To the benefit of all of Christianity, she decided to SHARE her joy! No wonder the child within Elizabeth's womb leaped for joy just hearing Mary's voice! I'm sure Mary's beautiful voice radiated excitement and anticipation. She was special and unique. She was purposely chosen to bring Christ into the world. Magnificent indeed!
Pray the rosary I recently saw a bumper sticker that read: Are you angry? Need a weapon? Pray the rosary! I was experiencing a terrible week. I'd been losing my cool, thinking ill of others, and pretty much hated the world. I was so angry at everything wrong happening around me. Then I saw this bumper sticker. It was one of those perfect God-instances that stopped me in my tracks. Wow, now I know what to do when I feel as if Satan is attacking my mind, my spirit, my heart, and my physical body. Pray the rosary! Ever since then I've tried to pray the rosary every day. If I can't pray a whole rosary, then I at least say a few Hail Mary's throughout the day. It has made a tremendous difference. I feel more grounded and more centered. The rosary has definitely aided me though Saint Louis de Montfort's total consecration preparation.
I know now that Our Lord is definitely calling me to build an intimate relationship with Our Lady. I pray I can maintain a constant connection to Jesus through Mary. At times I become very selfish, immersed in my own thoughts. Being an introvert by nature, I tend to think and feel a lot! Satan knows this and will penetrate his evil into my thoughts so I begin to doubt and draw wrong conclusions. He rose-colors my optics in an attempt to draw me away from my faith. Now I know my greatest satanic weapon is the rosary! The best way for me to keep evil away from my mind and my heart is to allow Mary's illuminating intercession to shield and protect me. She loves me just as much as God does! I often imagine Our Blessed Mother in personal conferences with Jesus giving him advice on how to guide me along in life. She sees things from a feminine, motherly perspective. Being full of grace, she radiates Christ through her. Mary's intercession is real and very powerful. I'm so happy to finally be able to fully relate to her on an intimate level.
Thank you Mary and Jesus for your love and protection!
Saint Louis de Montfort, Pray for Us!
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