Gospel of Luke 13:1-9

Some people told Jesus about the Galileans whose
blood Pilate had mingled with the blood of their sacrifices. He said to them in
reply, “Do you think that because these Galileans suffered in this way
they were greater sinners than all other Galileans? By no means! But I tell you, if you do not repent, you will all perish as they did!"
they were greater sinners than all other Galileans? By no means! But I tell you, if you do not repent, you will all perish as they did!"
Anyone who reads my blog regularly knows I'm a huge advocate for regular confession. It's a way to clean out all of the gunk which builds up in our minds and hearts. When we confess our sins to a priest, and receive absolution, we unclog our pipes through the holy actions of God's Liquid Plumber! Our faith, hope, and love flows more freely.
I tend to encounter interesting situations when it comes to my personal visits to the confessional. Yesterday was another one of those "Oh my goodness" moments leaving me shaking my head. My patience was tested once again.....
The confessional line was extremely slow. People were really taking their time with the priest. Normally the small chapel is quiet and reverent. However, yesterday I felt like I was in the middle of a parlor room at a senior citizen's center. So many people with wheel chairs, canes and walkers scurrying into line. A few of the elderly women talked very loudly, unaware people were trying to pray. My head was splitting. I'm always tense before confession anyway and not always in the best of moods. I bit my tongue hard. I really wanted to tell these old women to shut up!
Finally, it was my turn in the confessional. As the priest gave me final absolution, the door to the confessional suddenly opened. An elderly woman shouted out, "Is this confession? Father I'm ready to confess!" YIKES! Father told the woman that someone else is already in the room with him. The woman didn't seem to care! She proceeded to sit in front of the screen as her husband helped her through the door. I didn't even hardly have room to leave because of this woman and her husband blocked the door. (I happen to be sitting face-to-face with the priest behind the screen.) Let's just say I almost lost it. But, fortunately Father witnessed my frustration. (He knows me pretty well!) He raised his hand and finished praying over me. I scooted out of the cramped room carefully so not to trample over this woman. What's really awful is she completely cut in line! She came in from a side entrance ahead of three other people. She didn't seem the least bit sorry! I left the church shaking my head. I couldn't believe what had just happened. I pray when I'm elderly some day I'm not as rude as this woman. She's got a lot of nerve.
I certainly hope this woman repented for her rude confessional intrusion, but I'm sure it didn't even phase her. I learn a lot more about patience and humility when I see people like this woman do inconsiderate and rude things. It just goes to show our natural tendency to think more about ourselves, our needs and our wants. It's difficult to repent when we think we've done no harm! It's difficult to realize we have offended or done something out of line when we think we deserve everything according to our own preferences.
One of the sins that I struggle with the most is wanting people to do things a certain way and then getting upset when they don't meet my expectations. I tend to make judgments without knowing all of the facts. It's a constant struggle for me because I don't want to be upset all of the time. I don't want to think all people are ignorant and stupid. I know what I want out of people isn't necessarily what the Lord wants out of them! Maybe I'm not supposed to convince a certain person to behave a certain way. Maybe I'm supposed to accept their flaws even if they annoy or inconvenience me.
Repent or perish - I certainly don't want to perish into the fires of hell because I let little annoyances get me bent out of shape. I don't want to perish into eternal torture because I let impatience turn me into a mean-spirited person. I just need to remember that God understands my weaknesses. He sends annoying people into my life to test me; test my patience, humility and kindness.
Saint Monica, Patron Saint of Patience, Pray for Us!
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