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Gospel of Mark 8:18-22

Another of his disciples said to him, “Lord, let me go first and bury my father.” But Jesus answered him, “Follow me, and let the dead bury their dead.”
Why the hurry? This passage from Mark brings me discomfort. Why is Jesus in such a hurry for his disciples to follow him? Why not give them a chance to say their final goodbyes, even bury their loved ones? It appears as if Jesus doesn't care. It's rush, rush, rush. Gather up the disciples quickly and efficiently....
On the contrary, Jesus cares about his apostles very much. He understands how difficult it is to drop all comforts and assume a ministry of poverty. Why not separate the "former life" quickly without all the drama? It's important to get them to work asap. Jesus only has a limited time on earth to spread his message of love and salvation.
I think of when loved ones in the military are deployed to war-torn countries like Iraq or Afghanistan. For months they've lived in comfort with a regular paying job and a loving family. Suddenly, their circumstances change and the US military asks for their immediate service. No time for sad goodbyes. A soldier must be prepared for the strategic military mission just as Christ's disciple prepared for the holy mission.
Let the dead bury their dead How can the dead bury their own dead? This line from scripture puzzles me. It's physically impossible for a dead person to bury another dead person. Of course, we know Jesus is speaking symbolically.
People who are spiritually "dead" do not know Christ. They are like bottom feeders in the ocean or the vultures eating roadside kill. They systematically clean up the filth and decay surrounding them. However, they go through the motions not realizing there is life way before death. This radiate life transpires through the Holy Spirit. The spiritually dead will gravitate toward others who are also dead. This cycle of lifelessness feeds upon sin and disbelief. When one follows Jesus Christ, he or she becomes an impregnable force that gives life to others. There is an understanding that our life on earth is temporary. We should live it to the fullest striving to better ourselves. A beautiful after life awaits us in heaven.
Become spiritually alive in Christ! Become like one of the disciples - drop everything and follow Jesus with resilience and determination.