Sunday, October 20, 2013

Persistence & Faith

Jesus told his disciples a parable about the necessity for them to pray always without becoming weary.  He said, "There was a judge in a certain town who neither feared God nor respected any human being......

-Luke 18:1-18

After meditating on this Sunday's gospel reading, the first thing I thought:  Wow!  Bravo to the Poor Widow!  Her persistence and faith finally got her a just decision!  Could I be as strong as this woman if I was in a similar situation? 

In the parable, Jesus does not go into much detail.  We don't know about the widow's grievance or how long she pleaded with the judge for a final verdict.  All we know is for a "long time the judge was unwilling" to make a decision.  Here is a judge who doesn't fear God and treats people with little respect.  He could care less about their plights.  Interesting he doesn't "fear the Lord" as in love God but he "fears" a strike (as in "kick in the rear") from the poor widow! He finds her downright annoying and delivers a decision in order to get rid of her. 

Have I ever pushed someone away who I found annoying or bothersome? Have I ever failed to share my faith with a friend or loved one?

The widow's persistence paid off.  I imagine she prayed in the synagogue day and night.  She pleaded with Yahweh to help her in the legal situation.  I can see her at the judge's house every day demanding an answer.  (Heck, I know I'd do the same thing!)

Have I ever persistently prayed to the Lord for his guidance in handling a difficult decision?  Do I only pray when "I Need" something or do I pray for God's will to be done according to his plan?

We all know people who are dishonest and disrespectful.  They tend to "judge" others on how they look, what they drive, how much money they make, or what religion they affiliate with.  None of these superficialities matter to God.  What matters is that we remain faithful in HIM.  Pray regularly. Allow God to inner-work in our lives.  He will bring about justice in his own time. 


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