Gospel of Luke 12:39-48
You also must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come......Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more.
God blessed each one of us with special gifts and talents. I have friends who are amazing artists, creative writers, brilliant engineers, and charismatic speakers. I know others with strong leadership skills or demonstrate tremendous patience with children. Some people may think, "Geese, I think God left me out when he divvy-upped gifts. I'm not talented at anything." Think again! Our Lord most definitely gave each one of us special gifts. Maybe some talents are not fully recognized and developed yet. Maybe it takes careful observation, reflection, and thought to pinpoint what skill, aptitude, or talent we may possess. Prayer is key to understanding our blessings and how to best use them.
Do I recognize my unique abilities and God-given talents? Do I use my gifts to benefit others or for selfish purposes?
Am I living to my full potential in line with Christ's message?
Living to our full potential is no easy endeavor. Yet, Our Lord requires and demands that we utilize our gifts for the betterment of our community, our loved ones, and ourselves. In the end, Christ will be the final "judge" as to how well we performed during our lifetime. The more Our Lord gives to us the more he expects from us, but he does this as an act of love. He does not leave us alone to fend for ourselves! He walks with us step by step showering us with his graces. The Angels, Saints, and of course Our Blessed Mother, champion on our behalf, too.
It takes a lot of courage to use our God-given gifts and talents in service of others. It takes a great deal of humility to recognize that maybe our "gift" isn't being utilized in the most appropriate way. It takes faith to realize that the gifts God bestows on us keeps us closer to HIM.
Don't throw away God-given gifts and talents. Don't hide them out of fear, embarrassment, or ignorance. Use them to enhance your full potential..
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