Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Narrow Gate

Wednesday of the Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time
Gospel of Luke 13:22-30

Someone asked him, "Lord, will only a few people be saved?"  He answered them, "Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many,  I tell you,will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough."  .....And there will be wailing and grinding of teeth when you see Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and all the prophets in the Kingdom of God and you yourselves cast out."

I admit the Gospel readings these past few weeks have made me uneasy. I realize Christ's reign on earth will soon end.....Jesus warns us to be prepared, vigilant, and persevere. Entrance into the Kingdom of God won't be for the faint of heart.  The Children of God will have to work hard, make sacrifices, prove they lived lives with humility, love, dignity, and integrity:

Life the Christ-Centered Way.    

Every day I breathe I encounter my own weaknesses and character flaws.  I'm short tempered, prideful, sensual, and seek recognition.  I've always wished I was a member of the popular crowd - loved, respected and admired for my intelligence.  I often feel envious, even jealousy, towards others I see as much more accomplished, especially people with lucrative careers, a happy marriage, and children.  (Oh how I wish I could live in a dual income household!)  When I'm lonely and not busy, negative thoughts take over.  The Devil is having a field day messing with my brain.

Am I lean enough to fit through the narrow gate?  Will I be able to overcome my flaws and weaknesses by the time I pass on from this earth?  Why do I feel so paralyzed with fear thinking I may not make it? 

I imagine the narrow gate covered with overgrown ivy, weeds, and crawling with insects.  I see a tiny shining light way off in the distance.  I hear echoing laughter and muffled voices.  I hear angelic singing.  The gate is rusted out and corroded with age but still functions.  I'm carrying a large heavy bag filled with all of my sins.  I realize I cannot fit through this gate unless I leave the bag at the foot of the entrance.  A kindly priest who happens to be walking down a different path greets me.  He smiles and says, "Hello, Dear, I see you are carrying so much weight on your shoulders.  Would you like to talk to me about them?"  One by one I begin to take the sins out of the bag as I tell the priest my story.  They begin to dissolve away.  Before I know it, the bag is empty!  The priest gives me a hug before he walks into the narrow gate himself.  He motions me with his finger to follow him.  "Miss, Jesus is calling you now!  Don't be scared!  You are now filled with His holy grace.  Come along the narrow path!"  Then I enter the gate and feel this tremendous outpouring of love.  Love that's indescribable!  I don't even want to look at what's behind me.  I only have my eye on what's lying ahead.  I know the Kingdom of God is near.  I've made it through!  I just need to keep moving along. The road will get rocky, filled with potholes and cracks.  I will fall down quite a few times.  But, in the end, the journey will be worth it!  I don't have to wail or grind my teeth thinking I'm cast side. Jesus is waiting for me.


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