Our Lord Jesus Christ - YouTube
I can imagine Jesus recording his sermons, parables, and healing miracles over YouTube where all the faithful could watch "on demand." Of course he'd make podcasts available over the iPhone/iPod/iTouch and other iGadgets for believers to listen to on-the-go.
The Blessed Virgin Mary - PR Marketing Manager/ Flickr & Shutterfly
Catholics know the Blessed Virgin Mary intercedes for us in our prayers and petitions to the Lord. I envision Mary being the Public Relations/Marketing Manager for Jesus' missionary works. She'd keep a Flickr, Shutterfly and a website up-to-date. She'd help advertise Christ and his message.
St. Paul - Twitter/ Facebook /iPhone
St. Paul would keep Christians always informed with "tweets" of his journeys. Also, he'd send out invites to preaching events to Facebook "Fans." He'd have his iPhone available to post a message on the spot!
St. Peter - Google's Blogger
I imagine St. Peter writing a daily blog using Blogger.com. He'd provide meditations and helpful advise to Christians. Posts would be opened to "monitored" comments. (No flaming aloud!)
Judas the Iscariot - A Web Forum/Spam & Phishing Email
I see Judas the Iscariot hosting a special "Jesus Hater" web forum where atheists and anti-religion "experts" can post their complaints about Jesus Christ. Also, he'd organize thousands of illegal spam messages and phishing emails to promote his hate. I can see email subject headings like: "F**kJesus" "Do you believe in Satan?" "See Me Rising from the Dead XXX" All kinds of trash!
St. Jerome - Amazon Kindle/Barnes & Noble Nook
St. Jerome, best known for his latin translation of the bible The Vulgate, would be responsible for uploading the bible to Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble e-readers. He'd "convert" biblical references to"digital format" for easy reading. No more candles and parchment paper necessary.
St. Luke - iPhone & iPad apps
St. Luke authored "The Acts of the Apostles" and was known to be a physician. I imagine him creating two important web apps. One would be a special traveler's app for the "Acts of the Apostles" to use on their journeys. A second app would be titled "Christ MD" and would feature home remedies for a variety of maladies.
St. Anthony - GPS Technology
Pray to St. Anthony to help find a lost item. St. Anthony would utilize GPS technology to locate a missing item within minutes. Just send St. Anthony a text message, tweet, Facebook post, or an email. He'll be out at work to help find a missing possession.
St. Joseph - Internet Website
Bury a statue of St. Joseph in the backyard and through his intercession he will help sell a home. I imagine St. Joseph hosting a special realtor website St. Joseph's List. Here potential sellers can post information about their home. St. Joseph can assist in the sell without a commission fee. The only catch is many prayer and petitions. Not a problem for the devout Catholic.
I can go on and on with other examples. This really gets my creative juices flowing. Fun to think what Jesus, Mary & the Saints would think about all of our electronic gadgets!
too cool!