Monday, February 23, 2015

Icy Indifference

Today, the city of Dallas is pretty much shut down.  My business is closed as well as all area school districts.  A nasty winter storm is ravaging the Metroplex.  Since around 6 am this morning, non-stop freezing rain accumulates on the streets.  Outside is dead quiet except for the ice pellets hitting the roof and windows of my house.  Hopefully, everybody is warm inside homes and safe away from the frigid elements.  I pray the homeless have found refuge at a local shelter.

During inclement weather days like today is the best time to write!  One word that penetrates my thoughts, and concerns me a great deal, is indifference.  Pope Francis speaks about the globalization of indifference.  It has become a world wide problem.  I see indifference everywhere I turn from people throwing fast food containers on the streets to people walking past another with their heads down absorbed in their own thoughts.  

I even noticed snippets of indifference at an animal charity event I participated in this past weekend.  Among the artwork, cocktails and music a group of animal lovers displayed subtle chilliness.  Very few looked at me (or my mom) with a smile or responded with a thanks for being here in support of homeless animals. It's hard to describe the atmosphere but it was way different from Catholic charity events I regularly participate in.  Some say animal lovers are not really people persons.  Yes, maybe there is a little truth in this statement . But, I think it's just a result of the overall culture of indifference in society today.  The words Thank-You are a rare utterance!

Humans are so wrapped up in themselves and their own issues that they often fail to notice others around them.  They pass people on the streets without a smile.  They walk around more in tuned to their electronic devices than to their friends, coworkers, or even family members.  They have adapted to the culture of indifference without a care! I sincerely believe this indifference tears us away from God and our call to Christian discipleship. 

Have you ever met a person who could care less about you?  He/she never returns emails, texts, or phone calls.  Conversations are brief and rather superficial.  Perhaps the person is attractive and charming; the "perfect" person to be acquainted with.  Yet, the person could care less about you as a person.  Indifferent people are always too busy; they make up excuses as to why they don't make time for you or anyone else.  Sadly you may die tomorrow and the indifferent person will not even mourn your loss.....

I think showing indifference toward others is even worse than showing emotions like anger and sadness.  No wonder so many marriages break up, businesses fail, and crimes are committed.  Indifference is like a silent plague not easily identifiable.  It doesn't scream out like the Ebola virus.  It doesn't strike people dead in a matter of a short few weeks; however, it leaves a person emotionally and sometimes spiritually dead over the course of a lifetime.

What I find even more unconscionable is when clergymen show indifference toward members of their congregations.  This happens more often than we care to admit.  Our clergy are often overworked and worn down.  The last thing they feel like doing is showing true compassion, empathy, and caring toward someone they find irritating, annoying, or not at their "level" of spirituality.  I'm using pastors as an example because I think many people stray away from the Catholic Church because they feel like their priests simply do not care about them or their existence.  We all strive to be a wanted part of a community!  We all look up to our clergymen with reverence and high respect.  But when we receive thoughtless and indifferent responses in return we drift away, often leaving the Church permanently.

Today's culture has taught us that indifference is somehow okay.  It's a personal choice to be cold as ice or as hot as a roaring fire.  However, from a Christian perspective indifference is NOT okay.  Anyone who has ever encountered the tap of Indifference's icy fingers understands that the chill is not a pleasant experience. It leaves the person feeling hollow and empty inside.  Does anyone love her?  Does anyone care about him?  Are they just invisible individuals left to be alone for all of eternity?

As we all go through our busy lives, let us push away indifference and replace it with compassion and empathy.  Smile at the stranger.  Compliment a coworker.  Say thank-you more often.  Listen to someone who has something to share.  Be present and notice the environment, especially the people in it.  Get out of the self and more "in tune" with our fellow brothers and sisters no matter what!

Please read Pope Francis' Message for Lent:  "Make Your Hearts Firm"

Saint Polycarp, Pray for Us!


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