Thursday, February 5, 2015

A Roller Coaster Ride with Christ

A couple of nights ago, I dreamed I bought a railroad train ticket for $100 round trip. I was told I'd be given change at the end of the ride.  I got on the train and as I walked around looking for my seat the train morphed into a roller coaster car.  I strapped myself in a back seat anticipating a high speed adventure over electrified tracks, twirling around in loop de loops .  However, once the ride got moving, we plunged into a downward fall as if jumping off an airplane. I remember we safely landed on the ground with the aid of a huge parachute.  I walked back to the ticket counter to retrieve my $20 in change.  It was already closed.  Then I woke up in a sweat.....

I can't quite figure out why my nocturnal sleep has been disturbed by such intense dreams over the past few months.  This one in particular really struck me as something worth paying more attention.  Is it time to take a "leap of faith" and make for a sudden change in my life; a change that will move my stagnant life in a more positive direction?

Last night when I had another very vivid dream, this time about a significant person in my life, I knew the answer to a decision I'd been wishy-washy about for many months.  The final choice was made, and I'm happy to say I feel relieved.  Out with the old and in with the new. Now I can move on with my spiritual journey in a more appealing way.....

Sometimes we have to cut ourselves away from people and circumstances that no longer benefit in ways which help us grow in holiness.  Negative people and disfunctional situations only leave us stressed out, bitter and resentful. Just like a roller coaster ride, we go through so many ups and downs, and even upside down loops, that only leave us dizzy and nauseated.  How can we grow with Christ if we remain attached to harmful people and situations?  How can we place God first in our lives if we are overly consumed by pleasing others, massaging our egos, or allowing  everyday tasks to rob us of our inner dignity?

One thing I'm very excited about is connecting more deeply with my Dominican spirituality.  I'd like to think of this journey as a slower moving roller coaster without any upside down loop de loops, at least for now!  I don't want to overwhelm myself with too much intellectualism to the point of overwhelm.  Take only micro baby steps.  First and foremost, I need to get my prayer routine regular and consistent.  This is difficult when life happens.  But prayer is truly the foundation of our faith along with scripture reading.

In many ways, I'm glad my mind is active at night.  My dreams may not make a whole lot of sense, and can be frightening at times, but there is much insight which can be gleaned.  It takes a little deciphering  along with the acceptance that nothing stays the same for long.  God is at the forefront of giving us people and situations to aid us in our faith journey.  Sometimes they linger for only a short time like a roller coaster ride.

"God put us here, on this carnival ride.  We close our eyes never knowing where it'll take us next."
-Carrie Underwood 


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