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Ephesians 4:32 5:8

Brothers and
sisters: Be kind to one another, compassionate, forgiving one another as God
has forgiven you in Christ…….Let no one deceive you with empty arguments, for
because of these things the wrath of God is coming upon the disobedient. So do
not be associated with them. For you were once darkness, but now you are
light in the Lord. Live as children of light.
Empty Lip Service As a female home owner, I've dealt with many contractors who've given me empty lip service. They've promised to get a project done in a 3 days and then take 5 days. They've promised to clean up after a paint job and then pour extra paint waste into the backyard grass! The worst was when two contractors spread glue all over my floor. Instead of promptly laying down the new hardwood floor they sat around chatting, allowing my dog to trample right across it. These same guys stole food out of my pantry! Needless to say, I've had enough "discussions" with Project Managers to perfect the fake smile while seething in anger and frustration. I loathe hiring people who do shoddy work! I don't know what it is with the construction world, but it's a constant challenge to find good, dependable and quality workers.
Salespeople and contractors may give us a bunch of empty lip service but the Lord doesn't! We read in scripture about how much God loves and forgives us. He isn't going to one day say, "I love my children unconditionally and forgive their every little sin." and then the next day rage, "I hate my children and want them to enter into the fires of hell!." God doesn't turn a 180 on us. More than likely we turn a 180 on Him! We give God a bunch of empty lip service. We say in our minds: I will make it to Mass this Sunday. I will go to Confession. I will be more patient and compassionate. I will be less selfish. I will take the time to volunteer. I will pray every day.....
Many times what we "intend" to do for the Lord never gets accomplished. Laziness and disinterest takes over. It's easier for us to follow our same pattern of behavior than to change and adopt new behaviors which will connect us more fully to Christ.
We prefer to lurk in shadows and the darkness, attempting to hide our sins from God. He's not blind! He knows when we're not doing something right! We can play a game of "hide and go seek" with the Lord, but He will always find us. Many times He will find us laying flat on our bottoms with bumps and bruises from trying to run away from our problems. Christ will offer a healing hand if we will only take hold of it!
Children of the Light Remember we are all children of God regardless of our age. We may be a zygote in the womb or an elderly person in a nursing home. No matter what our status in life, God's light continuously glows bright. It never blows out. When we follow this shining light, we become more compassionate and more loving. We no longer wish to hate or loathe. Yes, at times we allow frustrations to get the best of us. However, this is why the Sacrament of Reconciliation's healing "light" is always available.
Don't give God empty lip service! Leave the empty darkness and become a Child of Light!