(Click Here for Readings)
Gospel of Matthew 14:22-36
At once Jesus spoke
to them, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.” Peter said to him
in reply, “Lord, if it is
you, command me to come to you on the water.” He said, “Come.” Peter got out of
the boat and began to walk on the water toward Jesus. But when he saw how
strong the wind was he became frightened; and, beginning to
sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!”
This morning I got in my car ready to head off to work, positive I'd experience a great day with NO major drama. My weekend was nice and relaxing. My stomach finally calmed down, and I felt normal again. A happy Monday greeted me until....
I got in my car, placed the key in the ignition and heard a weak, pulsating sound. No engine start! Uh Oh....
This morning I got in my car ready to head off to work, positive I'd experience a great day with NO major drama. My weekend was nice and relaxing. My stomach finally calmed down, and I felt normal again. A happy Monday greeted me until....
I got in my car, placed the key in the ignition and heard a weak, pulsating sound. No engine start! Uh Oh....
Oh boy, this is not what I need, Dear Lord! Is it the battery, alternator, spark plugs, starter, something electrical? Yikes! I can't take another day off from work for a personal issue. What am I going to do? Please give me a little guidance here. Sigh...
I admit I cursed under my breathe, annoyed as molasses! However, I did think of a quick action plan. I called AAA roadside service. The tow truck came by my house and jumper cabled the battery back to life. Then, I was on my way to the car mechanic. Within another hour and a half the battery was replaced and I made it to work. Problem solved!
I felt like Jesus and my guardian angel stood right beside me. They encouraged me not to be frightened or discouraged. God always provides when we are in need! Certainly, I didn't worry about the cost of repair or no longer having a reliable mode of transportation. It was simply a dead battery! What a small inconvenience compared to the urgent needs of so many others.
After the car was fixed, I patted myself on the back. What a relief! I acted like a calm adult. I didn't whine, cry, or go all ballistic thinking my life was ending because of a dead battery. I didn't plunge into the deep sea like Peter. In fact, I felt like I was walking on water at Jesus' command, confident I can tackle problems with calmness and control. Internally I was shaking inside from anxiety, but I didn't allow it to show through. I just kept walking toward Jesus gliding along the temporary choppy waters.
When life presents us with a dead battery along with a flat tire and an empty gas tank, we should turn to the Lord as our spiritual mechanic. He is there to give us courage and strength to tackle our problems face on. Also, he gives us the wisdom to make good, intelligent decisions.
Like a baby taking her first steps, she walks toward her mother looking for signs of encouragement. She may stumble and fall a couple of times, but she will eventually make it into her mother's arms. We, too, must continue our own individual "baby steps" as we travel the narrow path to holiness. We cannot become discouraged like Peter and fall flat on our behinds. No, we always remember that God loves us so much. He will not allow us to suffer alone. We all experience ups and downs in life. We all have those "bad days" where we think the Lord isn't paying attention. He most certainly is! So many times I've experienced minor inconveniences that could have turned out much, much worse. In fact, I'm convinced God, the angels, and the Saints are responsible for protecting all of us from harm on a daily basis. We just need to believe, take courage, and do not be afraid!
Saint John Vianney, Pray for Us!
I felt like Jesus and my guardian angel stood right beside me. They encouraged me not to be frightened or discouraged. God always provides when we are in need! Certainly, I didn't worry about the cost of repair or no longer having a reliable mode of transportation. It was simply a dead battery! What a small inconvenience compared to the urgent needs of so many others.
After the car was fixed, I patted myself on the back. What a relief! I acted like a calm adult. I didn't whine, cry, or go all ballistic thinking my life was ending because of a dead battery. I didn't plunge into the deep sea like Peter. In fact, I felt like I was walking on water at Jesus' command, confident I can tackle problems with calmness and control. Internally I was shaking inside from anxiety, but I didn't allow it to show through. I just kept walking toward Jesus gliding along the temporary choppy waters.
When life presents us with a dead battery along with a flat tire and an empty gas tank, we should turn to the Lord as our spiritual mechanic. He is there to give us courage and strength to tackle our problems face on. Also, he gives us the wisdom to make good, intelligent decisions.
Like a baby taking her first steps, she walks toward her mother looking for signs of encouragement. She may stumble and fall a couple of times, but she will eventually make it into her mother's arms. We, too, must continue our own individual "baby steps" as we travel the narrow path to holiness. We cannot become discouraged like Peter and fall flat on our behinds. No, we always remember that God loves us so much. He will not allow us to suffer alone. We all experience ups and downs in life. We all have those "bad days" where we think the Lord isn't paying attention. He most certainly is! So many times I've experienced minor inconveniences that could have turned out much, much worse. In fact, I'm convinced God, the angels, and the Saints are responsible for protecting all of us from harm on a daily basis. We just need to believe, take courage, and do not be afraid!
Saint John Vianney, Pray for Us!
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