Gospel of Luke 13:18-21
Jesus said, "What is the Kingdom of God like? To what can I compare it? It is like a mustard seed that a man took and planted in the garden. When it was fully grown, it became a large bush and the birds of the sky dwelt in its branches."
Faith is like a mustard seed. As Christians, each one of us is called to plant the seed of faith in ourselves as well as others. Nurture and allow faith to grow! It's easy to discuss Jesus with people who are similar in values and religion. However, there is a greater need to make the Kingdom of God known to others outside of our circle of fellow Catholics. We spend most of our waking hours at work. We are surrounded by co-workers who are different in terms of lifestyles, attitudes, habits, and even religion.
How can I spread the faith in the work place? How can I evangelize without causing disruption in the way I conduct business? How can I be a positive influence and emulate Christ in my everyday work?
Here are some ideas:
- Be a positive example of Christ by conducting business affairs with strong integrity and moral conviction. Treat others with dignity and respect.
- Bring up faith topics at appropriate times in subtle non-threatening ways. For example, if someone asks "Any plans for the weekend?" tell them you are attending Mass at your local parish, going on a retreat, or spending time reading a religious book.
- Wear a Catholic symbol - a crucifix, chastity ring, miraculous medal, scapular, etc. Many times a simple piece of jewelry will invite someone to ask, "Are you Catholic?" and then dialog begins.
- Take vacation on Holy Days, special Feast Days, or even during Easter Holy Week. This will definitely make it known to co-workers your Catholic faith is taken seriously. (I love to take off work during the Easter Triduum. I volunteer as a Eucharistic Minister during all of the Easter liturgies. It's a great way to serve Our Lord and the community. Co-workers have asked me questions about what the Church does differently compared to other denominations.)
- Pray for your co-workers and let them know they are in your prayers. Even non-Christians or those who do not believe in organized religion appreciate that you are thinking of them.
- If someone is showing an interest in the Church, invite them to attend Sunday Mass with you. Many times a fallen-away Catholic will be drawn back to the Church through your example.
- Make fasting and abstinence a regular practice. (During Easter one year, I tried to go on a bread and water fast for a week. I let all of my co-workers know! Some even offered to share some of their bread from their lunches with me. It became an interesting conversation piece.)
- Invite a co-worker to share THEIR faith journey with you even if they are not Catholic. (I once conversed with a woman who was Pentecostal. She was very interesting to speak with. Even though I didn't necessarily agree with her faith principles, I respected her devotion.)
I think the best way to spread faith in our workplace is through positive, subtle, and friendly ways. I don't think it's our place to cause unnecessary drama, debating or bickering over religion. It's a very touchy subject. Many employers prefer to keep religion OUT of the business atmosphere, especially if it causes disruption. But, overall, I think showing Christ-like behavior in our interactions with co-workers is extremely effective. Allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest of the work.
Thank u Jenny. I will try to practice some of this wonderful ideas you've shared to us hence you winning me to Christ like as well as me winning others.