(Click Here for Readings)
1 Corinthians 6:13C-15A, 17-20

Avoid immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the immoral person sins against his own body. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been purchased at a price. Therefore glorify God in your body.
This past Saturday I returned from a four-day trip to Viva Las Vegas. I flew out there to see my sister and 10 month old niece. We visited Nellis Air Force Base, Hoover Dam, Valley of Fire State Park, and drove up to Mount Charleston. I was surprised by the mountains and valleys. It's as if God took a brush and lightly painted everything in shades of brown and red with trickles of green and blue. I never knew the desert could be so beautiful.
We spent one evening in the casino. I lost all of my money in less than an hour! Gambling has never been my forte....
When I read Sunday's reading from 1st Corinthians with Paul's warning to "avoid immortality" I couldn't help but think of Las Vegas, otherwise known as Sin City. Vegas has a reputation for decadence. People visit to gamble, drink, carry on in sexual trysts, and otherwise PARTY. As the old adage goes: What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!
People from all over the world travel to this city of electricity with high anticipation. They hope to WIN BIG at the casino tables, receiving enough comps for a free dinner, show, or even a hotel room stay. They desire to inebriate their bodies with intoxicating liquors and sensual liaisons without worry or regret. Isn't Sin City meant for excessively naughty behavior?
The Vegas excitement is thrilling. If you've ever been on an airplane going to Vegas, you know exactly what I mean. Everybody is super psyched. However, on the return flight the excitement wanes as nasty hangovers linger and wallets come home empty.
It's okay to visit Las Vegas. I'm not discouraging people. It really is a fun town. However, from a Christian perspective we must be careful. Don't allow excessive drinking and eating turn us into gluttons. Don't allow our appetite for men (and women) cause us to engage in sexual activities we will long regret. Don't allow the thrill of the slot machine or card table push us into spending money beyond our means. In other words, moderation is key! Remember Paul's words "your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you."
God has purchased each of us at a price. No dollar amount comes near to the cost of what Jesus paid for us by dying on the Cross for our sins. This is why it's important for us to steer clear from immoral behaviors. Anyway, who wants to feel guilty, shameful and worthless all of the time? When we treat our bodies, and those of others, with dignity and respect those feelings disappear.
Don't gamble away your life in deadly sin. Take a throw of the dice and allow Christ to be the big winner in your life!
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