Saturday Before Epiphany

(Click Here for Readings)
The reason the world does not know us is that it
did not know him. Beloved, we are God’s children now; what we shall be has not yet been revealed. We do know that when it is revealed we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. Everyone who has this hope based on him makes himself pure, as he is pure.
Over Christmas weekend, I watched the riveting film Unbroken based on the true story of Louis Zamperini, US Olympic runner and World War II bombardier. This outstanding movie depicts the ugliness of war and one man's resilience against life-threatening odds. How any man can survive 46 days in a tiny life raft on the ocean and then 2 years as a Japanese prisoner of war is truly a remarkable feat.
In one movie scene, Louis is so desperate to be saved from the raft while exposed to starvation, sharks and scorching sunlight, he prays: "God, if you rescue me I will serve you the rest of my life!" Years later he kept his promise by returning to Japan and forgiving each one of his captors. He took Christ's command "Love Thy Enemy" seriously.
What is in a name? Before a child is born, parents carefully choose a name. The name is usually of significance; for example, naming a child after a family member. Sometimes people select off-the-wall names, especially Hollywood celebrities. Why name a child Moonflower, Willow, Apple, Blue or even Henessey like the liquor?! Strangeness draws attention.
The Holy Name of Jesus causes a lot of attention; not attention because it's weird but because it's holy. Jesus in Hebrew means "God Saves." The name was proclaimed by the Angel Gabriel, signifying God's commitment to humanity. Why doubt for a moment that God hears and answers prayers? Why think God doesn't understand our sufferings? Louis Zamperini's inspiring story is a perfect testimony of God's divine providence.
The world does not know us Recently, I read a news story about a woman who bought a Playstation 4 as a Christmas present for her boyfriend. Upon opening the box, two bibles were tucked neatly in place of the gaming system. The woman felt she "ruined" Christmas for her boyfriend. Also, the boyfriend remarked that he "didn't want the bibles unless they were autographed by Jesus himself." Interesting comment; yet, it highlights general ignorance and indifference toward Christ. Most likely this man doesn't even realize his bibles stand the test of time and are worth much more than a popular gaming system which will become obsolete in a year or two!
Jesus "autographs" his name throughout the books of the New Testament. Read the beautiful stories of Christ's forgiveness and healing and discover a treasure trove of wisdom. A spiritual "autograph" is much more meaningful than a physical one.
Today, think about what The Holy Name of Jesus means to you. Does the name Jesus bring about fulfillment and joy, or guilt and fear? Do you have a close personal relationship with Jesus or is he simply just a name in a news story? Don't allow sin to interfere with devotion to Christ. His Holy Name purifies, clarifies, and sanctifies!
In conclusion, here is an original poem I wrote self-titled "In The Holy Name of Jesus"
In The Holy Name of Jesus,
My heart becomes pure,
So full of peace and joy,
I know I will endure.
Adversity and challenge,
Burden and strife,
Troubles and obstacles,
Will not destroy my life.
I pray to The Holy Name,
Of Jesus the Lord above,
His Love is unconditional,
His Forgiveness like no other!
His Name purifies,
His Name glorifies,
His Name clarifies,
His Name sanctifies.
The Holy Name of Jesus,
Wraps His arms in mine.
He cares and protects me,
I know everything will be fine!
Over Christmas weekend, I watched the riveting film Unbroken based on the true story of Louis Zamperini, US Olympic runner and World War II bombardier. This outstanding movie depicts the ugliness of war and one man's resilience against life-threatening odds. How any man can survive 46 days in a tiny life raft on the ocean and then 2 years as a Japanese prisoner of war is truly a remarkable feat.
In one movie scene, Louis is so desperate to be saved from the raft while exposed to starvation, sharks and scorching sunlight, he prays: "God, if you rescue me I will serve you the rest of my life!" Years later he kept his promise by returning to Japan and forgiving each one of his captors. He took Christ's command "Love Thy Enemy" seriously.
What is in a name? Before a child is born, parents carefully choose a name. The name is usually of significance; for example, naming a child after a family member. Sometimes people select off-the-wall names, especially Hollywood celebrities. Why name a child Moonflower, Willow, Apple, Blue or even Henessey like the liquor?! Strangeness draws attention.
The Holy Name of Jesus causes a lot of attention; not attention because it's weird but because it's holy. Jesus in Hebrew means "God Saves." The name was proclaimed by the Angel Gabriel, signifying God's commitment to humanity. Why doubt for a moment that God hears and answers prayers? Why think God doesn't understand our sufferings? Louis Zamperini's inspiring story is a perfect testimony of God's divine providence.
The world does not know us Recently, I read a news story about a woman who bought a Playstation 4 as a Christmas present for her boyfriend. Upon opening the box, two bibles were tucked neatly in place of the gaming system. The woman felt she "ruined" Christmas for her boyfriend. Also, the boyfriend remarked that he "didn't want the bibles unless they were autographed by Jesus himself." Interesting comment; yet, it highlights general ignorance and indifference toward Christ. Most likely this man doesn't even realize his bibles stand the test of time and are worth much more than a popular gaming system which will become obsolete in a year or two!
Jesus "autographs" his name throughout the books of the New Testament. Read the beautiful stories of Christ's forgiveness and healing and discover a treasure trove of wisdom. A spiritual "autograph" is much more meaningful than a physical one.
Today, think about what The Holy Name of Jesus means to you. Does the name Jesus bring about fulfillment and joy, or guilt and fear? Do you have a close personal relationship with Jesus or is he simply just a name in a news story? Don't allow sin to interfere with devotion to Christ. His Holy Name purifies, clarifies, and sanctifies!
In conclusion, here is an original poem I wrote self-titled "In The Holy Name of Jesus"
In The Holy Name of Jesus,
My heart becomes pure,
So full of peace and joy,
I know I will endure.
Adversity and challenge,
Burden and strife,
Troubles and obstacles,
Will not destroy my life.
I pray to The Holy Name,
Of Jesus the Lord above,
His Love is unconditional,
His Forgiveness like no other!
His Name purifies,
His Name glorifies,
His Name clarifies,
His Name sanctifies.
The Holy Name of Jesus,
Wraps His arms in mine.
He cares and protects me,
I know everything will be fine!
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