These powerful words from Thomas AKempis went through my mind as my fourteen Faith Formation students lined up in the hallway of the main church. The girls wore their beautiful white gowns and veils. (Some of the girls did not meet the "shoulders must be covered" rule, but they looked so pretty and innocent nobody mentioned a word.) The boys dressed up in suits and ties. One of the more precocious girls remarked, "Miss Jennifer, I feel like a minature bride!" Even Father joked about how the the young children looked like they were about to wed. In many ways, they were getting "married" to Christ by receiving their first communion. Hopefully these precious children will grow to love -- understand the truth and permanency of Jesus Christ! They will hold on to his Sacred Heart, drink his precious blood, consume his body on a regular basis. They will become one with Christ and for Christ. I can say this with reservation because I know this may have been the only day in their lives the children will attend Mass or receive communion. I pray my young ones will continue ongoing religious education and see the importance of Catholic Christianity in their lives.
I admit I'm relieved my class finished for the year. I never imagined teaching 3rd and 4th graders could be more challenging than college or the workforce. Many times throughout these past 9 months I've wanted to quit and dump my demanding class on some other poor innocent volunteer. I was absolutely shocked as a first time catechist to be given such a large class with so many challenging personalities: the gifted and talented smart, the ADHD, the Down Syndrome/autistic, the bully, the clown, the "mom made me come I don't want to be here" child. I struggled with discipline and attention each and every class. Honestly, I don't know how professional teachers do it. I can see why Faith Formation has a tough time finding volunteers to teach.
Despite all of the headaches and frustrations, I felt a sense of accomplishment when I witnessed the class receive their first holy communion. Just seeing the children and parents smile made me feel wonderful. Several people approachment me after Mass to congratulate me for a job well done. A couple even said they thought I did "great" considering what a large difficult class I dealt with. I really appreciated the kind remarks. However, I didn't become a volunteer catechist for any kudos or recognition. I did it for the children: I wanted to help them discover the joy of receiving their 1st communion like I did at the Easter Vigil 14 years ago! (14 kids - 14 years as a Catholic. Interesting correlation...Never thought about that until now!)
I pray the children will keep a hold on Jesus and firmly plant Him in their hearts!
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