Sunday, July 19, 2015

Annoyance & Transformative Love

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Today is one of those annoying mornings where I wish I could hit the Undo and Refresh buttons...

 My alarm clock didn't go off!  I needed to be at mass by 7:10am.  I rushed to get dressed, put puppy in her kennel, and headed out to the Church.  I arrived just in time; however, the mass celebrant was no where to be found.  Finally, he walked in right at 7:30am, wearing no microphone the first ten minutes of the service.

I thought the rest of the mass would go without a hitch.  Wrong!   One of the Eucharistic ministers got confused with her assigned spot.  She insisted it was at my location and wouldn't move.  Uh!  So I gave up the "spot" and had to  walk all away around the altar to the other side of the sanctuary.  I don't like to look like an idiot when other people mess up, but this is definitely my pride speaking. Keep calm and carry on...

After church, I decide to drive over to iHop for breakfast.  At a light that just turned green, I barely lifted my foot off the brake when I heard a loud "Hooonnnkk." The guy wanted me to move like NOW as he threw up his arms.  Let's just say I threw a nice arm out the window in return.  No, I didn't use the middle finger or curse even though I sure felt like it.  I absolutely can't stand people who honk just to be impatient jerks. 

We all experience annoyance each and every day.  Annoying people are sometimes the biggest burdens that we struggle with.  In today's gospel reading, Jesus wishes to take his disciples up to a deserted location for a mini vacation.  They have worked hard and need time together for rest and rejuvenation.  However, the crowds just wouldn't leave Jesus alone.  They followed him by foot as Jesus and the disciples floated on the sea.  They were bound and determine to meet our Lord on the other side.

The gospel says Jesus was moved with pity by the sight of the crowds. This pity was the result of his deep and profound love for all mankind. He could have felt annoyed, irritated, or angry because they changed his original plans. These were not normal people, but a whole flock of sheep needing spiritual guidance.  Rest and relaxation will have to wait until another day.  The sheepfold needed a shepherd right at that moment in time.

The love Christ has for us is a transformative love.  It's a type of love that breaks down barriers. It's a love that reaches each one of us in often subtle ways.  We are called to return love to our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.  We may think that those who annoy us don't deserve love.  On the contrary, they deserve even greater love!  I find those who particularly push my buttons are in desperate need of attention, or they just don't know any better.  Maybe they deal with physical or mental disabilities that make them the way they are. This is when the Christian  compassion and charity become of great importance.

Be another Christ!


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