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Gospel of Matthew 21:23-27

When Jesus had come
into the temple area,
the chief priests
and the elders of the people approached him as he was teaching
and said,
“By what authority
are you doing these things?
And who gave you
this authority?”Jesus said to them
in reply,“I shall ask you
one question, and if you answer it for me,then I shall tell
you by what authority I do these things. Where was John’s
baptism from? Was it of heavenly
or of human origin?”
I don't know how Jesus stayed so patient and composed. The chief priests, scribes and Pharisees must have annoyed Our Lord with their constant spying and questioning. Maybe he expected this kind of behavior as the Son of God. Who really understood Jesus' divinity anyway? Even the apostles had a difficult time grasping the concept as Jesus tried to teach them His Truth.
If Jesus allowed you to ask him one question, what would it be? Hmmm.........This is tough. If Jesus stood right in front of me, I'd want to ask him a thousand questions!!! Personally, I think I would simply ask him the following: "Are all of my loved ones in heaven?" I'd refrain from asking a question about myself so as to not appear overly conceited or self-righteous. I'd honestly want to know how my friends and family fared out. Nobody really knows if another person made it to heaven since we are still living here on earth. Of course, we know the Saints made it to heaven. No doubt about that. But what about Uncle Joe Bob, Aunt Jo Ann, or the guy in school who committed suicide?
By what authority are you doing these things? Hmmm...We could be like the chief priests and ask this exact same question! Would Jesus give us the answer with another question like he does throughout scripture? Actually, the answer is fairly clear. God the Father gave Jesus the authority to heal the sick, mend the brokenhearted, drive out demons, and forgive sinners. No human king, queen or Head of State could grant such powers: Only the Almighty God above! Yet, the Jewish authorities couldn't accept the Messiah was indeed in their midst. They only saw Jesus as a threat to their own power and livelihood.
As you rest your head on the pillow tonight, say a prayer to Our Lord in the form of a question. See if you get a response in the coming days.. The answer may be in the form of a sign, a deed, or a word. Or, the answer may be in the form of another question you think of! But, keep an ongoing dialog with Christ! You never know when Jesus will answer you in a surprising way.
Saint John of the Cross, Pray for Us!
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