(Click Here for Readings)
Sirach 48:1-4, 9-11

in his zeal he reduced them to straits; By the Lord’s word he shut up the heavens
and three times brought down fire. How awesome are you, Elijah, in your wondrous deeds!
This is a very exciting weekend for me. I'm officially joining the Order of Preachers as a Lay Dominican (aka Third Order of Saint Dominic). I'm participating in a a special "Rite of Admission" ceremony during St. Albert Priory's Sunday liturgy. This is a moment I've been looking forward to for the past year. I will receive the special Dominican shield pin as a symbol of my entrance into the Order.
Today's passage from Sirach, which talks about the prophet Elijah and his words of fiery zeal, reminds me of the Dominicans. We are all called to preach the Truth of the gospels. Such preaching involves study and preparation along with a genuine enthusiasm and fervor for Christ. I've never met a Dominican who wasn't on fire for Christ!
In 2016, the Dominican order will be celebrating it's 800th year Jubilee. The more I learn about the Dominicans' history, rituals, and spirituality the more I'm amazed by how well the Order of Preachers adapt to the changing times. The fire for Christ and the joy it brings constantly burns. The flames never go out! The Order's furnace is kept ablaze through the power of the Holy Spirit.
As Christians, we are all called to preach the good news with welcoming zeal. We should not speak fiery words that burn others so severely that they become turned off by God. (Trust me, I've heard enough Protestant sermons over the years to understand "doom and gloom" preaching isn't always so effective. People shouldn't be scared away from religion!) We no longer live in the Old Testament days when God lost his temper and punished the world with floods and plagues that wiped out whole communities. God is no longer a God of punishment but a God of love.
Only a couple more weeks until Christmas. Are you ready and on fire for Christ?!
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