Solemnity of All Saints

(Click Here for Readings)
Revelation 7:2-4, 9-14
All the angels
stood around the throne and around the
elders and the four living creatures.
They prostrated
themselves before the throne, worshiped God, and
exclaimed:“Amen. Blessing and
glory, wisdom and thanksgiving, honor, power, and
might be to our God
forever and ever. Amen.”
While preparing this meditation, I thought of an interesting scenario: What if I hosted an "All Saints Day" Dinner party with some of my favorite Saints?! Who do I put on the invite list? What kind of food do I serve for supper? What will the Saints be like in person?
Let's see.....I'd invite my confirmation saint Mary Magdalene (patron saint of converts ) and my career saint Albert the Great (patron saint of scientists). Saint Paul would receive a personal invitation delivered via Damascus Camel Express. As patron saint of writers, and an advocate for the single life, I'd have a zillion questions for zealous Paul. Of course, I can't leave out Saint Dominic who'd humbly walk barefoot to the party, preaching and praying along the route to my house. St. Francis of Assisi, St. Monica, St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Ignatius of Loyola, and St. Benedict would join as guests. Maybe Saint Pope John Paul II would stop by for dessert. The blend of personalities, along with different theological and philosophical perspectives, would encourage meaningful spiritual conversation. I can see all of the "saintly crowd" eating, drinking and sharing stories long into the wee hours of the morning. What a fun experience!
Revelation I love the scripture readings on the Solemnity of All Saints. We do not read from the Book of Revelation at Mass very often. I find it sad many people are turned off by this beautiful book, even frightened by it. One thing I learned in biblical school was how Apocalyptic literature, which includes The Books of Daniel and Revelation, used symbolism to represent what was happening socially and culturally during the period in which the author lived. Many people erroneously believe The Book of Revelation predicts the future of the end of time. With such literal interpretation, some people may believe catastrophic events, such as the current ISIS situation or the Ebola outbreak, mean the apocalypse is on its way. Personally, I don't think God intends to take mankind away from this earth any time soon.
Relax. Don't worry about the future! Live in the present, enjoying what life has to offer! Practice virtues and strive for holiness just like the Saints who preceded us!
No one really knows how The Last Judgment will plan out. We may see flames, creatures, and angels dressed in white robes playing trumpets and harps while God and Satan battle one another. Or, we may simply fall asleep for eternity, never witnessing the end of the world. When we wake up, we will be in heaven or hell.
The right "saintly" attitude I think of The Beatitudes as following Christ's teachings with the right attitudes; even better the right "saintly" attitudes. We encounter saints every day. Some will be officially recognized by the Catholic Church whereas others will not. But, one thing for certain saintly people love Christ and their fellow brothers and sisters. They are humble, joyful, and peaceful. They strive for goodness and holiness in their every day actions. They follow The Beatitudes with a steadfastness and perseverance, becoming role models for others.
I think some people are born to be Saints. It's in their genes and upbringing. Sometimes choosing to serve Christ occurs at a young age. The teenager Blessed Chiara Luce Bandano, who tragically died of bone cancer at age of 18, is an example. We just celebrated her feast day on October 29th. At other times, religious proclivity develops over many years. I think of St. Augustine's conversion.
God planted blossoming souls on earth to do amazing things. Yes, these saintly souls suffer from temptation, disease, pain, heartache, and tragedy. However, they turn to God for healing and strength. The Lord remains their central life-beating force.
We may not be "born" a Saint; however, there's always a chance we can become one. On a monthly basis, I read about the life a Blessed or Saint I don't know much about. I find his or her story as motivation to stay away from sin and strive toward virtuous living. I take what I've learned and apply it to my every day life. I reflect on the question: How can I become a better Christian?
This weekend pray The Beatitudes in celebration of All Saints Day and All Souls Day. Remember and pray for the repose of the souls of all who've passed on before us, both Saints and non-saints alike.
In conclusion, I'd like to share a poem I originally wrote on All Saints Day 2013.......
An Ode To All Saints
When the Saints go marching in;
With the heavenly gates open, purged of earthly sin.
Trumpets blast with melodies, delighting angels afar;
Excitedly announcing the entrance of Christ’s Super Stars.
Stars on earth who loved God above all else;
And ministered to His people; with faith, a loving
How can I become a saint like the others years before
It will take awareness; I so aim to please!
Please the Lord in following, His way, truth and light;
Emulating the work of Saints, who intercede with Holy might.
Thanks to Saints like Dominic, Francis, Paul, and Ann.
I hope one day to see you in heaven's glorious land!
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