Sunday, June 8, 2014

Happy Birthday to the Church!

Pentecost Sunday

(Click Here for Readings)

Acts of the Apostles 2:1-11

Chapel in the St. Albert Priory - Irving, TX
When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim.

Happy Birthday to the Church!  Today we celebrate Pentecost when the gift of the Holy Spirit was bestowed on the Apostles.  It's representative of the birth of the Catholic Church. This is one of my favorite liturgical celebrations!

This morning I attended a special mass with the Dominican Friars and Lay Dominicans at St. Albert Priory in Irving.  Three new candidates were admitted as Lay Dominicans along with three "senior" members who made their permanent promises.  I've never attended a mass officiated by the Dominican Friars, so this was a very special day for me.  When one of the novices asked for a volunteer to read the first reading, I gladly offered!  I just read this same passage from the Acts of the Apostles at my normal 7:30 am Mass.  What an honor to read in front of the Dominican family!  I hope to become a Lay Dominican candidate in January 2015.  Only a few more months away.....

Interesting.....When I arrived back home after the mass and reception, I noticed my car's odometer read exactly 143,000 miles.  This made me think:

One Four Three = One "for" Three = One for the Trinity 
The Holy Spirit has arrived and now makes up the Trinity!

 Okay this may sound kind of weird.  My brain thinks crazy thoughts sometimes!

Different tongues   Can you imagine being one of the Apostles witnessing the arrival of the Holy Spirit?  The wind building up and tongues of fire appearing.  Is this a horror movie or for real?  Is it Jesus' breathe I just felt on my face?  Do I hear strange languages all around me?  Wow, this is something else!  Yet, among all of the wind and strange languages is a profound spirit.  A Spirit so moving and so intimate that it's impossible to think as diabolical.  The Holy Spirit transforms from Jesus Christ.  After his ascension into heaven, Jesus left the apostles the gifts of the Holy Spirit as a way to help guide them through ministry.  Jesus may not be physically present, but he's now spiritually present.  

To this day the Holy Spirit interacts with us regularly.  I find it amazing so many times when I read the scripture passage of the day and think, "How on earth does this relate to my life?  How can I write a meditation on this?"  Then I will hear a song, read an article, or even see a bumper sticker on the car.  All of these little nuisances give me ideas of what to write about!  The Holy Spirit is clearly at work in all aspects of my life.  What's really wonderful is how the Holy Spirit becomes an important part of my relationships.  Some relationships are short-lived but most seem to last a long time.  I feel blessed to have close friends and acquaintances who love me as much as I love them.  The Holy Spirit is definitely composed of love as it's central ingredient.

Come, Holy Spirit, Come!  Let us recognize the Holy Spirit at work among the people we know or we don't know; among nature and our environment; and among our every day life experiences.


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